Chapter 24

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SofiaLundgren: Pregnant Fia in @TheDreams

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SofiaLundgren: Pregnant Fia in @TheDreams

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We have just dropped Ida and Axel off at LAX since they have to fly to New York for work. I think Axel is flying to Sweden the following week so I won't be seeing either of them for the next couple of weeks as they work on their individual projects.

"Having a baby is a very serious thing." My dad tells us after Jon has helped me into the car. "I'm a father of four, soon to be five and I'm still not ready."

Jon surprises me by asking my dad a question, "What advice would you give us new parents?"

"I would first advice you to get your finances in check." My dad starts the car up once we have put our seat belts on. "The second would be to get some practice in by babysitting. Babies have different cries and you need to be able to differentiate the different cries."

I nod my head in understanding as Jon holds my hand and I give his hand a small squeeze.

I nod my head in understanding as Jon holds my hand and I give his hand a small squeeze

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"Practice changing diapers." My dad continues. "Buy yourself a doll and some diapers then get to practicing. With babies, you only get the one shot because if you miss it the first time... you end up getting pissed on."

Jon bursts out laughing.

"I'm not joking." My dad chuckles, "All four of my kids did it to me on numerous occasions. Sometimes I didn't even have the diaper on properly so the poo would just spread all ov--"

I cut him off, "Too much information."

"We better get practicing." Jon squeezes my hand.

"Every baby is different but I would recommend getting in all the sleep that you can because babies wake up a lot in the night." My dad adds as I chew on the inside of my cheek. "That is when you guys need to learn how to compromise. Sofia cannot be the only one to get up to tend to the baby's need even when you have to go to work. If mommy doesn't sleep then there will be hell to pay and she needs all the energy that she's going to get to nurture the child."

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