Oooo a California Girl

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Niall's POV

She was gorgeous. I thought only models with photoshopped faces looked like that. But that was the thing. She wasn't. She was real. I tried to play it cool when I saw her and tried not to sound nervous. She seemed to find my appetite amusing and whenever she laughed, I just wanted to kiss her right then and there and make her mine.

Well look at me. What kind of guy gushes? Apparently me.

I was excited about the tour in America, the fans and concerts being two main reasons of course, but also in hope of meeting an American girl. And here she was. A gorgeous one, too.

The lads and I sat down, when Harry decided to be smart and say " Would you girls like to join us?" I saw he had his eye on Melanie though, so nothing to worry about. Although, I did see Zayn eyeing Natalie. I tried not to look jealous. We just met for christ's sake and I'm already getting jealous. Natalie noticed this and gave me a confused look ( which was gorgeous ) ( wow I'm stupid) so I smiled at her as if to let her know it was all good. I'm such a liar.

" Sure!" Natalie exclaimed right away not even checking with Melanie, but it seemed alright since Mel and Harry were now staring into each others eyes. We sat around the little round table, Liam next to Zayn, then Louis, then Harry, next to Mel, next to Natalie, and Me, sitting in between Natalie and Liam. " So where are you girls from?" Liam asked smiling as the girls grinned back. " Well, I've always lived in California," stated Natalie, " but Mel moved here from Florida when we were both 8, and we've been friends ever since," She said, smiling.

Oooo a California girl. Dear god, what am I saying?

"Wow that's a long time," Harry said. " And how old Are you girls?" I chuckled. Typical Harry. " I'm 18, and so is Natalie." Mel said. Harry just kept grinning while she talked. Guess he doesn't mind the age. " So how long are you guys staying here?" Natalie asked. "The two weeks we tour are still in two weeks, management thought we needed to get out some before we start. And then we get Three more weeks." I said smiling at her. "Guess we'll all have to hang out while we're here, " Zayn told her, winking and grinning cheekily. "Oh yeah, that'd be fun!" Natalie exclaimed happily, exchanging glances with Mel. They were both smiling like crazy, but it looked cute.

"Well, we've better take this to go, we've got an interview in 20! " Liam said, " But let's all exchange numbers!" Soon there was a big jumble of phones all over the table. When I got mine back I checked it. AAANatalie!!(: one new contact said . I smiled. Mel just put Mel, but I saw in Harry's phone she put Mel;) . I also saw in Zayn's phone that Natalie put AAANatalie(: . Well I got two exclamation points. Ha.

I put Niall:) in her phone. Zayn put Zayn (; . Ugh. I decided to forget about it.

"So what's the AAA for? I asked her, smiling. "Oh it's so I'm first on your contact list." She replied smiling too. I laughed. " WELL BOYS WE BETTER HEAD OUT" Louis screamed in our faces. We got up as slowly as possible ( Well Zayn, Harry, and I did) Liam politely said, " It was really nice to meet you girls!" We all smiled at the girls, saying our goodbyes. " Bye babe" Zayn said to Natalie , winking and grinning cheekily again. I rolled my eyes. " BYE GIRRRRRRRLS HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Louis yelled, stressing the "r". " SEE YOU SOON MEL BEL AND NATTERS!!!!" They laughed. "Bye Louis," they said in unison. " Bye Mel. Bye Natalie. It was nice to meet you!" I said smiling at both of them ( mostly Natalie) . " Bye Ni" Mel said. " Bye Nialler, " Natalie said smiling. Out of nowhere I reached out and hugged her. What did I just do? We just met! To my surprise, she hugged me back, grinning cheekily. I grinned back at her, before being the last to leave the shop. As soon as I stepped out, We heard little squeals coming from inside ( which was cute when they do it) , when I noticed Zayn glaring at me.


Hey readers! So Idk how that chapter was, sorry if it sucked.


Anyways, Thanks for reading,and dont forget to vote, comment, and share!!

Keep in mind this is my first fan fic so sorry If it's the worst one you've ever read. Next chapters Natalie's POV!!! Xxx

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