Chocolate always helps.

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*Natalie's POV

We walked out of the mall laughing at something Louis had said. Zayn still had his arm around my shoulder , and I was trying not to faint. I looked up at Zayn again and he was looking at me.I swear, If we were any closer, we would have been kissing. I smiled at him and turned back to the others. Niall was staring- I mean, glaring- at Zayn's arm.

What? I brushed it off. He almost looks jealous though. Oh who am I kidding, that would never happen. Mel and Harry were talking and walking while staring into each others eyes. Louis was making Val laugh and Liam was walking next to Niall, trying to start conversation.

We finally reached the car and piled in, and Zayn took his arm off my shoulder. I resisted the urge to pout, and ended up between Zayn and Melanie. Niall was directly across from me.

The driver started the car and turned on the radio, which happened to have Heart Attack on. I'm epic at the Ow's. "Aahhh I love this song!" Val said, causing the rest of them to realize that it was their song. "You girls should sing it with us!" Liam said. We agreed and Mel said, "Natalie and Niall should do the 'ow' cause Natalie's really good at it!" We laughed and Harry started while the rest of us joined,

"Baby you've got me sick, I don't know what I did, need to take a break and figure it out, yeah."

"Got your voice in my head, saying lets just be friends, can't believe the words came out of your mouth, yeah."

Zayn started his solo while looking at me,

"I'm trying to be okay, I'm trying to be alright, but seeing you with him, just don't feel right."

"And I'm like OW! Never thought it'd hurt so bad! Getting over you-oo! And OW! You're giving me a heart attack, looking like you do-oo!" We sang laughing our butts off. Niall and I did the OW! And I've gotta admit, we sounded pretty cool together.


Okay, no.


*Niall's POV

Gosh, this was so fun. Natalie and I did the OW! 's for the rest of the song, while laughing like crazy. I guess this made up for Zayn having his arm around her earlier. But, I had my eye on her first, since I was the first one who walked in at her Aunt's coffee shop.

Zayn=1, Niall=2

Wait. Am I keeping score? Wow, I must really like her. I need help. Mental help.


*Natalie's POV

We finally reached the flat, (I feel British saying that word) and piled out of the car again. Louis and Valerie raced to the front door while screaming like maniacs. I don't know wether to think they're adorable or mental.

But awwww.

We followed them and finally got inside. We saw Louis and Valerie sitting on a couch together, with Valerie screaming, "I WON! COME AT ME BRO!" Louis was laughing hysterically, and was soon joined by the rest of us.

We all plopped down on the couches again. "So everyone, I suggest that we go change into some comfy clothes, then meet back here for a movie night." Liam said with a small smile. I'm glad he's gone back to being the old Liam again. Sometimes, you just need to get your mind off things. And chocolate. Chocolate always helps.

We agreed and I was the first to hop off the couch, followed by the other girls, then the boys.

Liam gave us a quick tour of our rooms, and we each had our own. The boys, being adorable gentlemen, helped us with all of our shopping bags and brought them to our rooms. Liam said we could change and settle in, get comfortable, then go meet them for a movie night.

We agreed and all went to our rooms. I didn't really have anything to unpack, I just dumped the stuff in my purse onto my bed, and did the same with the bags of clothes I bought. Luckily, we had remembered to buy pajamas and comfy clothes too. I opened the huge walk in closet in awe and began hanging up my clothes and setting the shoes that I bought on the floor all organized.

I then put my pajamas, undergarments, and sweats in the drawers. Then I pulled out a pair of Capri sort of grey sweatpants, a black T-shirt with some words on it, and fuzzy socks. (A/N Pic on the side! ) I put my long brown hair into a ponytail and took off my makeup. I really didn't put much on, so I didn't look any different.

After I took off my mascara and eyeshadow, I put on a little bit of clear lipgloss, and decided I was ready. I looked around the big room. Everything I needed was in here. The bed looked super comfy too, I'll have to try it out later. Well that sounded innapropriate. I meant I'll have to sleep in it later.

I walked downstairs and Noticed only Niall was there, looking bored on the couch. He slightly lit up when he saw me. I plopped down on the couch next to him, not too close though. Don't wanna make it

aca-awkward. "Hey Niall! Here by yourself?" I asked. I mentally face palmed myself. Of course he's here by himself you idiot. You're the only two here.

Niall laughed. "I was, now I have company," He said smiling at me. "Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to leave?" I asked playfully, standing up from the couch. "No!" He said quickly. I laughed. "Just Kidding," And sat back down next to him with a smile.



Lol jk guys. This chappie wasn't so drama filled, but I swear the next one will! Things will get real I tell you.

So, I won't make a goal for this chappie, but I have a request! And I know I've asked this before, but will you guys PLEASE check out my other story? It's called A Bit of Love/Hate~Harry Styles . You can find it on my profile, I'm working really hard, feedback is much appreciated!!

So reader, hope you enjoyed this chappie, even though you probably didn't, but I hope you'll enjoy the next one!!

~Natalie(: xxx

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