".....this is the perfect opportunity!

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Oh.My.Gosh. Our house was the one that was on fire.

*Natalie's POV

For a minute we all just stood there in shock, even Val since she remembered the house, while the police officer just stared back and forth from us to the house looking all confused. Eventually I felt the need to explain what the heck was going on.

"Oh my god. Tha-that's OUR house!" I finally said. A look of worry flashed on the cop's face. "Oh, I'm so sorry miss, they're looking through the remains right now in hope to find the owner, no neighbors seem to be around right now, all on vacation. Well come along then, we better go tell them it's your house." he said, already starting to walk towards the scene. We followed him slowly, still in complete shock. "Mike, these girls here are the owners of this house." He stated proudly to another man in a police uniform, he must have been pleased he did something right. Oh I'm sorry that sounded mean.

"How'd you find them John?' the other policeman asked, Mike I guess his name was. "They said they live in the neighborhood, they were shocked when they saw the house. They claim they live here." John said. I wonder if it's right to call policemen by their first names. "Oh, well I'm so sorry girls, theres only a few remains from the fire. I think the house will have to be absolutely rebuilt, since repairing is obviously out of the question." Mike said, "Do you have anywhere else you could possibly stay for a while, or move into for now?" He asked. Mel immediately lit up. "Well we do have some friends that have a house nearby." I stared at her. Was she thinking what I thought she was thinking?


*Melanie's POV

It was the perfect idea. If we moved in with the boys, we could get to know them better, and then I might actually have a chance with Harry! I don't exactly know what first impression I gave him, or how I looked like to him when we went to their house. This is a perfect opportunity! I mean sure, I'm extremely upset and angry that our house burned down, but maybe this was a sign? All I'd have to do was convince Natalie.......


*Natalie's POV

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked smiling at the officers. I didn't wait for their answers as I pulled Val and Mel aside. "Mel, when you say 'friends' are you talking about the 'friends' I think you are?" I questioned her, knowing she'd understand what I meant.

"Yes! Natalie this is the perfect opportunity! Of course I'm torn that this happened to our house, especially since Valerie just got here, but c'mon! This is a sign!" she exclaimed. Val just looked extremely confused. "Umm, am I missing something? Who are these 'friends' you speak of?" she asked. "Its One Direction!" Mel squealed, knowing that just by saying those words she could convince her. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?" Val screamed,, a huge grin in her face. "Val, shush people are staring!" I scolded her. "Sorry. Ahhh One Direction." she whispered, still smiling like crazy. "They live nearby?"

"Yeah! About twenty minutes away!" Melanie squealed again. "Guys, don't you think this is too much to ask from them? I mean c'mon, they're famous, if we're spotted with them rumours will start. Do we really want to give them more to worry about?" I asked them. I mean, yeah, I would LOVE to move in with them. I could spend more time with Niall if we did. But of course we'd have to think about the boys, too.

"No, this isnt too much! It's just a really big favor, and a HUGE opportunity! And rumors WON'T be started. But if they are, we'll clear them up right away!" Mel said with a hopeful smile, while Val still looked shocked and happy that we even KNEW One Direction. "And, besides, the boys are nice, and. Thoughtful, and caring.

They'll be glad to take us in!" Mel said again, still trying to convince me. "Maybe you could text Niall and ask If it's alright? I'll text Harry and then I'll text Liam, he's obviously the most mature even thought Louis' the oldest! He'll probably talk to their management or whatever!" Mel said happily. I noticed Valerie brighten up even more at the mention of Louis's name. They would be so cute together. I sighed in defeat.

"Alright, I guess we could, since we have nowhere else to stay. We better tell them everything and that we have Val here too. Do you think they'll have room for us?" I asked. Mel chuckled. "They're One Direction, Natalie. I'm pretty sure they have a BUNCH of spare rooms, I mean you saw how huge their house was!" I smiled. "Alright. Let's text them then." I said, pulling out my phone. Mel and Valerie squealed. "THANK YOU!" They had huge grins on their faces as they attacked me into a hug. I rolled my eyes smiling, and hugged them back. Now to text Niall.

To: Niall:)

Hey Niall, could you guys do us a HUGE favor?

~Natalie(: xx

Aaaand sent.



Hey ma readers!!! So as you probably all know, school's starting soon. I start on Monday, so I might not be able to update so much. I'm going to try my best to keep updating as much as I do though!

So keep commenting and fanning and voting and such, see you next chapter , lovelies!!!:)


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