Why dont you come on over, Valerie?

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*RECAP* I shot up from the circle on the floor and ran to my purse. I frantically searched for it, the smile never leaving Mel and I's faces as the boys were singing along to my ringtone. I finally found it and put it on speaker.


*Natalie's POV

"VALERIE?!" I screamed into the phone. "ALIE!" She screamed back. Alie was her nickname for me. Mel and I squealed. "You're on speaker!" I told her. She laughed. "Well like I told you earlier, I have exciting news!" She squealed. We laughed, and screamed "WHAT?!" Into the phone.

"Well, the modeling company that I work for has moved to California! There's just one problem." "What?" Mel asked. "I agreed to move back here, but I have nowhere to stay." "Well why don't you come on over Valerie?" I practically yelled into the phone. Everyone laughed then I realized what I said. Hehehe. Like the song Louis sings. Speaking of which, he started singing it right then and there.

"Wait who is that?" Zayn asked. "It's Valerie you idiot!" Louis yelled, smacking him across the head. We all laughed at them. "Am I crazy, or is that THE Louis Tomlinson?!" Val yelled into the phone." I laughed "Yes, it's THE Louis Tomlinson." Valerie screamed through the phone for about five seconds.

"VAL!" I yelled. "What?" I laughed. "Moving on from Louis, when are you going to need a place to stay?" Mel asked, laughing. "Oh, umm, well uh.... Now?" "NOW?!" We yelled into the phone. "Yes now! Sorry I prooobably should've told you earlier, but, you know. Kinda slipped ma mind." We laughed.

"Well sure, but we're kinda at One Direction's house now." I said. "But, we should be going home soon anyways." "Awwww" We heard all the boys say. We laughed. "Wait you're at ONE DIRECTION'S HOUSE?!" She screamed again. The boys laughed and now Louis looked overly happy. I chuckled at him and turned back to the phone.

"Yes, but we were just about to leave. You still remember our address?" I asked her. She didn't say anything. "Hello?" I asked. "OH! Sorry I nodded my head. I just realized you couldn't see me, but, yeah!" We all laughed at her. "Alright well, we'll try to get there as soon as we can!" "Yay!" Valerie said. "Alright well, bye!" We laughed. "Bye!" I hung up. We all kinda just stood there for like 15

seconds, then Mel and I screamed.

"Well, we better get going, I guess!This was fun, thank you!" I said smiling at them, showing off my dimples. "No problem love!" Louis yelled in my face. "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" Niall suggested. "Definetely!" We all agreed. We said out goodbyes, and hugged everyone. Niall looked the saddest, but they were all sad that we were leaving. We smiled one last time at them and walked down the driveway, soon driving away to our house. Here we come, Valerie!

*Niall's POV

Wow. I just blew my chance. I hardly even talked! And 'have you ever gotten drunk before'. Really, Niall! What will I ask her next, if she's ever been to a party? I was going to ask her if she had a boyfriend or something, but I guess I chickened out. I blew it. I just really hope I can see her again soon. I'll have to tell her how I feel eventually.


(A/N. Heyy readers!!(: So they're about to see Valerie again, yaaay! I really only named her Valerie so I could make that pun. Ahaha I know I'm lame.

Anyways, keep voting and commenting as usual! Byee lovelies! :D ).


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