Oh. My. Gosh.

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A/N OKAY SO NOW VALERIE IS COMING INTO THIS STORY. As you all know, Valerie is one of the fans/readers. I've never seen her, but she described herself sooo since you must have and idea about what the rest of the characters look like, like Victoria Justice as Natalie and Miley Cyrus as Melody. Whale, I decided to make Valerie look like Lucy Hale. And I know that a bunch of fan fics have Lucy Hale in them, but, I guess she's just a good fan fic character!! Haha anyways, enjoy the chappie! PS This ones drama filled! :0


*Natalie's POV

Soon after, we finally arrived at the familiar house. Well, the familiar neighborhood. Well, the familiar neighborhood outside our neighborhood. Apparently, someone's house caught on fire in our neighborhood, so we cant go back in until the fire's put out. The police didn't even give us any details. I just hope everyone's okay.

Obviously, we would have to let Val know that, so I called her. After about three rings, she picked up. "Yo my home spice!" she yelled into the phone. I giggled. She was so much like Louis.

"Heyy Valerie! So apparently someone's house caught on fire in our neighborhood, so we're in the neighborhood outside our neighborhood." I told her and gave her the address to the closed public pool we were currently parked at, and she agreed to be here soon.


*Valerie's POV

I am soo excited to finally see Alie and Mel again! To be honest I felt kinda bad, since after I moved to Paris for my modeling, I kinda lost touch with them. Of course we skyped for hours, and called and texted a lot at first, but after a while I was just way too busy with my career to do any of that so often anymore. I was just really glad I finally get to see them!

And then there's ONE DIRECTION!!! AHHH! And when did they even meet them? I'm going to ask soo many questions when i get there.Omg and when Natalie said 'Why don't you come on over Valerie?' I heard Louis start singing it in the background. LOUIS SEXY TOMLINSON!!!!! Of course I love all the boys, but I've always loved Louis juuuuuussst a little more. Because he's crazy. Which is great because I am too.


*Natalie's POV

We waited in the car for what seemed like forever, even though it was just for 10 minutes. Mel and I passed the time by sitting in the car, turning up the radio ,and singing along at the top of our lungs. "Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy, til we see the sun! I know we only met but lets pretend it's love! And never, ever, ever, stop for anyone! Tonight lets get some!" We sang. Soon a familiar voice joined in. "And live while we're young!" We turned around and saw her. Valerie.

"VALERIE!!" We yelled. "ALIE! MELODY!" She yelled back. We all pulled into a group hug. "I missed you guys so much!" She said. "We missed you so much too!" We exclaimed. We laughed and all got into my car. We agreed to come back for Val's car later. We just wanted to go check on our neighborhood to make sure everything was okay and then go into our house and show Val her room and everything. We drove closer and closer into the neighborhood until we were greeted by a cop.

Well more like yelled at by a cop. "What are you kids doing here? You do know there was a fire right?! I'm sorry but you can't go into the neighborhood, unless you live there, or are family members of the fire victims." He said. "We actually do live in this neighborhood. We were here earlier but they didn't let us in. We just wanted to find out what house it was and make sure everyone's okay, then go into our house." I explained.

"Oh, alright miss. We actually don't know who lives there yet. The fire has already been put out, right now they're investigating the remains to find out who lives there, and to see if we can preserve anything. If you'd like you can come with me into the neighborhood, but you'd have to leave your car here, since all the streets are blocked off." He said. "Oh okay thank you! But do you think we can all go with you?" I asked, gesturing towards Mel and Val. "Sure, but you'd have to be careful girls, it's still extremely dangerous." He said.

"Alright we will, thanks!" I exclaimed.We followed him into our

neighborhood. I was expecting to see our neighbors from across the street all huddled up in front of someone else's house, but what we saw instead shocked us. Our house, or, what was left of our house, was absolutely covered in ash, with little flames here and there. Oh. My. Gosh.

Our house was the one that was on fire.



OMG it was their house! Where will they all stay?! How did the fire start? Omg and Valerie just got there!! Ahh! What about the boys?! They'll be so worried! Will Val ever meet Louis?! What about Natalie and Mel's clothes and stuff?!

Okay ima shut up now. Or as Zayn says it, shoot oop. Ahaha okay in done.

Anyways, keep voting and commenting! And don't forget to fan!! Haha okay bye lovelies!! :D. )

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