Chapter 12: Vivre Card

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Chapter 12: Vivre Card

Hey guys I'm back with chapter 12. Its been months since I uploaded and I truly apologize for that. Thank you for your patients!

This time I'm going to start the story with Luffy's perspective! Hope you guys enjoy it!


Luffy's POV

Smoker started chasing right before I was about to finish my meal. Damn the smoke guy I want my food back. As I swiftly dash out of the restaurant I breached through the doors and raced outside, panting with an unevenly coordinated breath. The nuisance Smoker is kept on following attempting to strike at me with his White Blow. Grasping the triumph against Smoker is impossible. Dealing with a logia type marine is problematic.

Down into the streets I became that main attraction to the residences. As everyone's eyes are glued on to me I dash across the street. Smoker hold's his jitte high up in the air swiftly flying using this logia devil fruit power. "MUGIWARA!", he shouted.

"Oi oi give me a break!" as Luffy dashed away from Smoker. "How am I supposed to fight with smoke?" I then see a bunch of marine extras tailing behind me, attempting to capture "The Mugiwara no Luffy". As I tried to run towards the direction of the port in order to find my crewmates I had located than just behind piles of boxes

"OI! Is everyone alright!" As I brought all of the tailed marines my crewmates were also chased around.

"AHHH! Luffy! Don't bring them over here!" Zoro yelled but it was too late.

"Oi! There's pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro and the rest of the straw hat crew! Everyone capture them!" Marines started to chase all of us as we all got separated. For some reason I was holding a barrel full of water. Oh well it's for the water supply in the ship. When we all got separated Smoker continued to chase me around.

Ace's POV

After I had seen (y/n)'s appearance disappear in the dusty dry sand terrain I dashed back to see luffy delighted to greet him once again. However, my footsteps were very heavy. I was absolutely thrilled to see Luffy again but (y/n)... He had to see her... she's alive and I couldn't just walk away from her. But her warnings and the words she said reminded me that I must go back without regretting. I must keep everything inside, bottled up. As I ran towards the center of the city to find Luffy again.

Luffy's POV

As I slid across the street to alter my course to turn, running between small openings of the buildings. Attempting to run away from the gus of smog. Smoker seems to still follow me, swiftly passing through the crack openings between buildings. It was freakin pain in the ass. A logia type continuously chasing me around. Physical attacks never work. The only way to survive from this moment is to run away as far away from Smoker.

When I turned around the corner, entering between tall office buildings in a second I was placed above the tall apartments. Someone has swiftly pulled me up to this building; one who was greeting me was none other than Ace.

"Ace! Long time no see!" Lots of emotions burst out, over the joy I greeted Ace with my biggest smile.

"Oh yo Luffy long time no see here! How have you been?" Ace chuckled as he was delighted to see my enthusiasm!

"Well I was actually able to recruit some nakama for my new journey of becoming a pirate king! There are many interesting people in my ship!" As I was about to explain how my pirate journey has been stupid Smoker located where I was.

Ace quickly turned over and started to run as fast as he could, "Luffy! You're gonna get caught! I think we should first get away from the marine and catch up on our discussion!".

As I rushed over to him, bending my legs as much as I can to jump roof to roof. Using the momentum and the spring force we both had leaped over several buildings until Smoker was nowhere to be seen. My breath began to shorten as I grasped each precious breath, letting as much as air I can into my lungs. We leaped down in between two structures.

"That was quite hectic!" Ace spoke, leaning against the building paintings and waiting for the havoc of marines to reside. "Oi are you still going to hold that heavy barrel? How about take a break right now?".

"Oh ya thats right I probably should." I placed the barrel on the ground in between Ace and I. We had started our brotherly conversation.

"Ace! It really has been a long time now!! It's so nostalgic to see you again!" Both Ace and I placed our elbows on top of the water barrel, gripping our hands together ready to start an arm wrestle.

"Luffy you haven't changed one bit. Still naive and mischievous with that positive smile of yours. I'm glad to meet you again here. But you're still too weak, you won't be able to win against me." Ace spoke as I tried to overthrow his strength and slam his hand on the table. We both were intense squeezing our biceps, this match never seemed to end. Soon cracks and creases were visible on the barrel. As if bricks of wall crumble down collapsing the wooden barrel shattered into pieces, releasing the liquid inside.

"I guess it is a tie." We both walked out into the streets. Trying to even out my pace, walking with Ace I had introduced all of my nakamas to him. Talking about my new recruits. Bunch of bandits and thieves tried to capture both of us for our bounty but it was a piece of cake to buttobasu (kick their ass) bunch of extras.

Time skip to walking in the desert

Ace managed to join us during our short journey to the rainbase. We had to part our ways Ace had to search for a certain man. It was a very fun journey with my sworn brother. "Alright then." Ace spoke looking over to us.

"Are you really leaving Ace?" Chopper asked.

"Yeah. Blackbeard is not in Alabasta. There's no reason for me to stay in this country."

"Oh." I reacted.

"Luffy." Ace then reached down to his pocket, swiftly threw two pieces of paper into my palms. "Keep it with you always."

"What? It's just two pieces of paper" I questioned. As I had no clue what these papers meant for.

"Yes, those pieces of paper will connect us even if we are far apart. Those scraps of paper will let us meet again."

"But it's just two pieces of paper. 'Ace' is written on one of them and the others are just blank?"

"Luffy, you will eventually know what those two pieces of paper are. You don't want it?" Ace promptly asked.

"No, I will keep it." I just buntly answered. To be honest I was very confused about why he was giving me two pieces of paper. But, I will just keep it for him.

"Having a young brother who's a bit on the slow side makes his older brother worried. He's probably gonna keep burning your hands, but please take good care of him for me."He spoke for the farewell of my crewmates. Once he bowed Ace raised his head up and said "Luffy Next time we meet will be at the pirate's Summit."

"Okay!" As my brother walks away facing his back. The dusty sand gets carried over the breeze of wind as Ace's silhouette fades away into the distance.


Author: That's it for today! Thank you for enjoying my story! I apologize for not uploading since a few months ago. I'm actually kind of very busy with upcoming AP exams in May. I hope you guys understand. Thank you for being patient with me!"

Ace: Oi long time not see (y/n). You may wonder about the two pieces of paper or should I assume that you already know what it is? Anyway I wish for your luck to meet Luffy again!

Author: Ace! No spoiling! The second piece of scrap paper you gave Luffy is a key element to my story. No SPOILING.

Ace: Man you're such a boring Author-chan. Wouldn't it be more exciting if (y/n) knew what it was?

Author: Just leave it be Ace, (y/n) will know eventually as the story progresses. Anyhow, thank you for enjoying my story and see you next time! Also please give me further feedback to my story so I can fix any mistakes or include some suggestions!

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