Chapter 10: Alabasta Kingdom

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 10. It's been months since I uploaded chapter 9. It was very unfortunate to temporarily stop the story but now I'm continuing it! There won't be HIATUS during the winter break so be ready! Thank you and please enjoy my story!


"Well just before you had arrived in this village a group of youngs approached me and did the same thing as you did. From my memory I can remember that one of the travelers was wearing a straw hat. I think his name was Luffy?"

"Ji-san (Ji-san means old man in japanese) what did you say? Luffy?"

"Oh yes he was a nic traveler who aided me to find some underground water. Do you possibly know him?" Asked the old man.

"Well yes I actually do know him. I was one of his very close friends. I actually hope to meet him again and it was unexpected that Luffy is in Alabasta. I might as well stay here for the night and then take off tomorrow." I replied

"Oh yes, sure, make yourself at home."

"Well ji-san until then I will be helping you dig up these holes." as I dug up the dusty sand sweat trickled down my face from working so hard. But then I realized, I could use my devil fruit to solve this problem. Since Space Space no Mi power is capable of taking in and out certain objects to another dimension, if I had used this power on the hole we just dug up maybe it can take in some of the sand into the other dimension!

After my thoughts, I had immediately stopped what I was doing and concentrated on summoning the wormhole. Glaring at the hole of sand slowly yet steadily a small single dot appeared which then expanded very quickly. When I concentrated even more I could feel some sort of force pulling everything towards the wormhole. As I thought when I activated the wormhole it was clearly displacing the sand to some other dimension. "Ji-san! Grab onto something! You might get sucked into the wormhole!"

"If you are worried about me it's alright I have stuck my shovel deep into the sand and grabbing on to it." He shouted. As soon as I saw some water overflowing and going into the wormhole I deactivated Space Space no mi power. It was pretty exhausting to use this power. To activate the pulling force of the wormhole I had to use a lot of energy. It was basically summoning a little blackhole on Earth.

"Water! It's water!" the old man shouted, "How did you do that? Are you are a devil fruit eater?"

As I was huffing and puffing out some air I replied, "oh..oh yes I am a devil fruit eater..."

"That was amazing! I'm grateful for your effort! Thanks for helping me! With this much water we can last for a few weeks!" The old man was very delighted. For the past single day the old man and I stayed put in the village resting for the next day.

Time skip to next day (right before taking off)

"Ji-san I will be off now I really do need to get going!"

"Oh wait here you may need some water during your journey. Take this." The old man had offered me a huge bottle of water. "I wasn't able to prepare a barrel of water but I hope this helps you."

"Oh yes of course thank you so much!" My journey to Nanohana began.

Time Skip cuz it boring to explain how (y/n) walked in plain desert for days

After a few days I have finally arrived at Nanohana village, one of the most urbanized cities in Alabasta! As I walked through a busy street with many people walking around, hearing murmurs of people I was searching for a place to eat. Because I had used up my chemical energy to walk across the desert my stomach was growling. I really needed food to nourish and bring back my strength.

Many people seemed to stare at me since I was walking in the middle of the street with a mysterious hooded cape covering my entire body. However, I didn't care due to my hunger. The only thing that mattered for me was to eat something before a pass out.

Then from far away I had located a restaurant to eat. I sped up towards the big restaurant to have a bite. Walking on a concrete road as my pacing got faster. I had finally reached the restaurant and flung the door open. However, when I entered the restaurant so many people were crowded over a certain place. I squeezed myself to take a look, which I heard was a young man collapsed on top of his meal.

"Oi that guys just fainted while he was eating!" the crowd was whispering

"He appears to have died while conversing with the owner of this restaurant!" on man exclaims.

"He's a traveler. Everyone's saying that he may have unwittingly eaten a Desert Strawberry. It's a poisonous breed of spider which resembles a strawberry. If you happen to eat one, you will just die suddenly within a few days." Explains another person.

"It's been a few hours since he collapsed."

As I hear the crowd whisper about this mysterious guy, I walk closer to him to see who he was. What I saw was beyond what I had expected. As soon as I saw that orange hat with whitebeard's symbol on his back I knew that it was Ace. Suddenly, Ace woke up with rice grains all over his face. Everyone exclaimed "AHHH! HE CAME BACK TO LIFE!"

"Damn I fell asleep." Ace said.

"YOU FELL ASLEEP!" people exclaimed.

Ace then turned around and asked "Something happened? Why is everyone crowded in this restaurant?"

"WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" the crowd exclaimed.

"Oh is that so..." As he was about to turn around and start to eat his meal again he looked at me.

I was really happy to see Ace but as I had determined to myself, I will be meeting Ace, Sabo and Luffy again, someday after I become strong enough to be able to protect them. So I turned around to go back. However, Ace stopped me, "Oi there, someone whom I don't know. Have you seen a straw hat kid walking around in this street?"

As soon as he asked me I knew he was talking about Luffy. "If you're finding him, unfortunately I haven't seen him here." As I was about to leave this place Ace stopped me again.

"Hmm ok. Please tell me when you see him." he said as he stared at me for a solid minute.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Uhh... Nothing..." Ace then sat back and started eating like crazy. He hasn't changed at all since childhood. As I was about to walk out of the restaurant I saw Smoker walking towards the entrance.

"Oi could you please move?" Smoker asked. Well I was standing right infront of the entrance door of this restaurant. As I moved to the side Smoker stepped into the restaurant. It's better to not create a huge havoc right now and Ace should be able to handle this guy so I will just slip out of this situation this time.

As I walked outside towards the main street Luffy was running towards me. I panicked for a sec and then realised that he had flung himself towards Smoker and Ace. While people were screaming and whispering, awed at the mess created by Luffy I rushed out to the main street.

I could hear crashing noises and Smoker yelling Straw hat as Luffy rushed out of the restaurant being chased by Smoker. As I was quietly walking towards the main hall of the city someone grabbed my wrist from behind.

"(y/n) I know it's you don't try to run away." Ace replied as I felt muscular arms wrap around me from the back. "Our sister (y/n)". I could feel his tears wet the back of my clothes.


Author: That's it for today! I apologize for not uploading for such a long time. I'm very busy with school work! Well not anymore since its winter break! I can upload chapters now!

Ace: Oi (y/n) why did you pretend that you were dead! I knew it was you! And you

Author-chan why did you stop the story right here! I noticed that it was her!

Author: Ace clam down. The next chapter will be uploaded soon.

Ace: Alright fine but you must be clear about how much I was happy to see (y/n) back! I thought she was dead!

Author: Ace I understand how you feel but this is it for today. Anyhow thank you for enjoying my story and see you next time!

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