Chapter 8: The Grand Execution

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Hey guys I appreciate 1k views! Thank you for enjoying my story so far! Today I'm back with Chapter 8: The Grand Execution Act! Please enjoy my story!


"AHHH STOP IT I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Luffy shouted.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, please save me..." Luffy spoke with boredom in his eyes

"Why would I save you?! Idiot!" Buggy yelled as he stepped on Luffy's head "Do you have any last word?"

Luffy didn't answer, showing his annoyed face towards the audience.

"Well, that's okay. Whether you want to say something or not. Doesn't matter since you're going to die." As Buggy blabbered his mouth, annoyance was plastered on Luffy's face. The execution platform was silent as I tried to get the right view. I really wanted to save Luffy using the devil fruit power but I wasn't able to see the execution platform due to overcrowding.

While I was struggling to use my power Luffy shouted "I'm the man who will be king of the pirates!"

"Well then let's get going on." Buggy said.

However, the execution was interrupted by two men"Stop that execution!" Zoro and a yellow haired swirly eyebrowed guy shouted simultaneously. As I turned around to see them behind the crowds.

Zoro ran towards the crowd holding his three swords to fight Buggy pirates. The Swirly eyebrowed guy comes up to me with heart eyes, "My lady."

"Are you Luffy's nakama?" I asked

"Oh well yes indeed. My name is Sanji and I'm the cook of straw hat pirates."

"Well Sanji you see I don't think it's the time to talk with me in this circumstance. Please go save Luffy on the execution platform. I will support both of you." I replied as I jumped into the fight.

"Yes madam" Sanji replied with heart eyes as he swiftly kicked the enemy.

While fighting Zoro approached me. "(y/n) you're here to help right? You seemed to know Luffy..."

"Oh ya Luffy is basically like a childhood friend more like an adopted brother and I wish to help him. Zoro I will support you." I replied. Well to be honest I'm still nowt sure how I think about Luffy.

"Well that would be a great help." he spoke.

"This is the end of your captain!" Buggy shouted as he held the sword up high, "HAHAH!"

"YOU BASTARD!" Sanji shouted as the three of us ran towards the execution platform. Soon droplets of water fell as it started to rain.

"Farewell Straw Hat!" as Buggy swung the sword towards luffy's nape lightning flashed. The tower collapsed and everyone was in a grasp. As I saw the burnt down execution platform, in shock.

When I was about to call out for Luffy the remains of the tower crumbled as I saw Luffy standing up. "Nevermind I didn't die. Shi shi shi." his signature smile was plastered on his face. Everyone was in awe.

"Oi Zoro do you believe in God?" Sanji asked.

"Uhh I-I don't know." Zoro was in shock.

"It seemed as if god let him live." Sanjo replied. "Oi Luffy we have to go to Merry Go ASAP!"

As we ran towards the town's main street, marines started to chase us down. "Capture the criminals!" Smoker yelled. Oh well I was running with three pirate members so I guess I'm automatically classified as a CRIMINAL.

Rushing towards the port a woman marine suddenly appeared in front of us. She was tightly gripping her sword, trembling. "Roronoa Zoro I will never forgive you!" She charged towards Zoro, unsheathed her sword.

"Oi guys! Go ahead! I will catch up after this!" Zoro shouted.

"Roger that!" I said, "Luffy! Sanji! let's go!"

"Oh yes my lady!" Heart-eyed Sanji followed me.

"So uhh it's still kind of questionable but who exactly are you?" Luffy questioned.

"Luffy it is not the time to talk about this we must..." I then was interrupted by a big blast in front of us. As I saw Smoker standing and abruptly attacked Luffy.

The trails of Smoke covered my sight. I couldn't quite see what was happening. As soon as I managed to teleport above a roof top within my sight was Luffy swinging his elastic arm towards Smoker. However, it was futile Smoker was a logia type not brute punch would work on his Smoke. As Luffy's hand slips through the smoke he then panics. "Huh? What?" While Luffy was in confusion, Smoker swiftly traveled to Luffy's blind spot and pinned him down onto his stomach, gripping Luffy's neck.

"Lu..." before I was able to shout Luffy's name I sensed a very powerful aura coming towards this direction.

"Now you understand your loss, Straw Hat? You can't even go to Grandline! You're running out of devil's luck." Smoker shouted as he was about to attack Luffy with his Nanashaku Jitte Dragon-san grabbed the handle of the weapon.

"Don't be so sure." I was in shock, he himself came to Loguetown just for the mission? I was very confused and also why would dragon-san help Luffy in the first place?

"The Government wants your head." Smoker replied

"The world is waiting for our answer." Dragon-san spoke as an immense amount of wind exerts and everyone gets pushed away. When I looked back down again everyone was gone. I jumped down in search of Luffy and to see that he was still running towards the port. I then went back to search for Dragon-san. When I sensed his immense power near the Central town I sprinted towards the center of town.

"So (y/n) report on your mission progress?" Dragon-san questioned.

"I was able to locate all of the cells (when (y/n) went into the marine base) in the marine base and we need to break into 5 cells in order to rescue Army 11. Report revolutionary army chief of command."

"Alright East Army will continue on with the mission you may retreat (y/n). Our ship is hidden on the north side of Loguetown.

"Roger that Supreme Commander!" I saluted as I swiftly slipped through the marines towards the North of Loguetown.

I was about to attack the pesky marine extras in my way but Smoker struck me with his Jitte. "I didn't expect a kid like you would be the revolutionary #3!" As he swung the seastone weapon I dodged all of the attacks. Though I couldn't counterattack Smoker since no physical attacks worked on him and my devil fruit power is much more useful for traveling and not attacking others.

If I had just learned how to use haki properly. Smoker kept on pushing me back until I was in the corner, trapped like a mouse and when he was about to attack with his jitte a fist was clearly slipping through Smoker's torso. "Oh wow it really does go through!" As I hear a familiar voice, a boy with black fancy hat with yellow hair.



Author: That's it for today! I apologize for not uploading for such a long time. I was very busy prepping for the ACT and next year's courses. Thank you for your patience. Hopefully you enjoyed this story!

Luffy: for god sake I really want to meet (y/n) when will we meet...

Sabo: Oi! You cut off my part Author-chan is this some kind of joke or are you just willing to make a cliffhanger or something?

Author-chan: Half Correct and half incorrect. It is true that I wanted to make a cliffhanger but also these days I am very busy with ACT and I don't have much time to explore for new ideas and type it out on a document. Sabo I didn't mean to cut you off but you will be included in the next chapter for sure!

Sabo: Oh well, do as you please.

Luffy: Author-chan will add a scene where everyone eats meat!

Author-chan: Well Luffy, your love of meat is unstoppable.

Author:Anyways thanks for enjoying my story! If you want more information or updates about my story be sure to follow me. I will be posting updates in the conversation section. If you have any suggestions make sure to comment below! Thank you for reading!

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