Chapter 3: Childhood Memories Part 1

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Chapter 3: Childhood Memories Part 1

Hello reader's! I'm back with the next chapter! This chapter is forBoxHead86, who has commented on my story saying he/she can't not wait for the progression of the story. Also I decided to divide chapter 3 into two parts since it seemed to be too long.

I will be starting this chapter as the reader's POV! This is the childhood story of (y/n) with Luffy, Ace and Sabo living in Dadan's place. Please enjoy!

P.S I have decided to include Sabo in the story. If you had read chapter 1 and 2 before the update please re-read them. You might be confused as to why Sabo is suddenly in the story.


Reader's POV

"Luffy! Where are you?!"I asked as I ran around the forest. "We have to follow the plan to catch this boar." As I ran following where the boar is going. I swished through the green grass and jumped over rocks and tree roots as I followed our meal for the day. Our plan was to track down the boar, lure it to an open spaced grassy meadow and strike our pipes to its head until the boar is knocked out. Sabo and I were supposed to follow the boar and signal which way it was going while Luffy was supposed to decoy and lure it. However, Luffy is the type of a guy who never follows the plan. For today he decided to knock out the boar by himself.

Luffy suddenly stopped in front of the boar. The boar rushed towards Luffy, became wild charging towards him. "I will knock you out!" Luffy said.

"Oi oi! Luffy you're not following our plan again! It's dangerous to face a boar by yourself! You can't win! Luffy dodge it!" Sabo shouted.

"There is no way I'm going to turn back! I need to be stronger to become a pirate king!" Luffy shouted as he evaded the boar's attacks and tried to beat the boar.

"Don't be reckless Luffy!" I spoke. Then... BAM! Luffy beat the boar's head with his weapon. The boar collapsed, lost its consciousness..

"See! I can do it!" Luffy shouted as he hugged me. "Yay Meat Meat Meat!" I really didn't expect Luffy to defeat this beast as I was talking to myself. My face was in disbelief while Luffy was hugging me with joy.

"Good job Luffy. You hunted a boar for the first time!" Sabo cheered."Oi! Ace, where are you! We already caught the boar!"

Ace jumped from tree to tree and jumped down walking towards us. "Why didn't you guys follow the plan?"

"Ace! I beat up the boar by myself for the first time!" Luffy excitedly spoke. He wanted some compliment from Ace.

"That's not a big deal. I could have caught it myself if you followed with the plan!" Ace argued. "Why didn't you follow the plan anyways?!"

"What did you say?! I easily caught it without your plan!" Luffy and Ace began to dispute while I was standing there silent hoping this would end. But they kept on arguing. I started to get irritated with their discussion. They were arguing about stupid things that weren't even related to the topic anymore. As Luffy continued to provoke, I stepped in between them with anger in my expression. Holding those emotions down my face was twitching and probably looked scary enough to stop the argument.

"Guys? Could you please stop arguing about stupid things?" I spoke with a quiet voice. Both were able to feel my presence and stopped what they were doing. Sabo was scared of my anger and backed away a bit.

"(y/n) Ace scolded at me! You and Sabo were always nice to me but Ace is always shouting and yelling at me!" whined Luffy with a cute voice.

"Yoshi~ yoshi~ Luffy it's ok I will always be nice to you good job hunting down the boar!" I hugged Luffy and spoke with a kind voice. Luffy hid his face in my shirts. I was always nice to Luffy. Ace is already 10 years old and he was still being childish and arguing with Luffy who was only 7 (Btw reader is also 7 years old). So, Sabo and I always protected Luffy.

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