Chapter 11: ACE!!

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 11. I hope this story can meet youguys' expectation!


"(y/n) I know it's you don't try to run away." Ace replied as I felt muscular arms wrap around me from the back. "Our sister (y/n)". I could feel his tears wet the back of my clothes.

"Ac... I think you have mistaken me with someone else. I'm not-"

"(y/n) there is no way I wouldn't recognize you even if you try to hide yourself." Ace spoke with his quavering voice. His hands were trembling while holding me tight. "I will never let go of you, I will never lose anyone."

"Well I guess there's no choice if I'm busted. Ace... I'm sorry for hiding the truth..." I looked down. I really couldn't look at Ace's face right now.

"(y/n) you know how much we have been in pain after you were gone?!" Tears trickled down his face as his body trembled. "So (y/n) how come you are in Alabasta?"

"Uhh well... you see..." I was silent for a full minute. I really didn't want Ace to get involved in this dangerous mission, especially the revolutionary army.. I really didn't want to hurt them anymore. However, At this point I was tired of lying. I was lying to everyone whom I love... Zoro, Luffy, Ace... I hated this and I really wanted to tell Ace the truth that I survived and joined the revolutionary army. So I explained everything from the start, how I have joined the revolutionary army and that Sabo is also alive.

Tears started to form in his eyes again. "Really! Sabo is alive!" He was crying but at the same time smiling. "So where is that bastard! I need to talk to hi-"

"Ace unfortunately Sabo lost his memory..."


"Ya he didn't seem to remember anything before he joined the revolutionary army. It seemed that he lost all of his memory after we drowned into the sea. Also Sabo isn't here right now. I came here by myself. Sabo is currently in the revolutionary army HQ." I replied. "I really want to bring you to the HQ and try to bring back Sabo's memory but you know... revolutionary army HQ location is top secret. We are currently being very cautious to not be found by the government. So, I don't think it is genuinely possible to take you with me."

"I already expected that (y/n) well I was also gonna reject your offer if you had asked me to come. Well you see I'm here to capture a man. He broke a rule that mustn't be broken, which is killing nakamas (crewmates). So, now I'm off to find this criminal." Ace explained.

"But Ace. I will try to den den mushi cal-"

Ace interrupted me "It's ok (y/n). It's Sabo, he will remember me someday! Besides, I don't think it's good to forcefully make him remember."

"Oh..." I was kind of disappointed. I really wanted Ace to meet or at least talk to Sabo.

"So, where is your next destination? We can travel together for a while if it's possible!" He spoke in a very excited manner."We will also meet Luffy! Well one of my goals was to meet him again! He is in Alabasta! I mean you just saw him right?"

"Ace... about Luffy. Could you keep this a secret?" I asked

"What? What do you mean? Are you saying that you want to keep all the things you told me a secret from Luffy?"

"Yes... I explained everything to you because I was tired of lying to everyone. But right now I don't want Luffy to be involved with the revolutionary army. And I also promised myself to appear in front of you guys when I get strong enough to protect my brothers. But I guess that promise has been broken." I sighed as Ace looked at me in shock.

"But Luffy should also know about this! He is our brother!" Ace tried to persuade me.

"Ace I'm truly sorry but I will tell him myself when the right time comes. I promise." I confidently spoke.

"Ok (y/n) but you better tell me sooner or later." Ace then told me to travel with him but I really couldn't face Luffy. So he insisted on escorting me until we left the city. During our long walk we talked about our childhood, how Ace and Luffy were living after the disappearance of Sabo and I.

Time skip to a few moments later

"You know (y/n) I actually did kind of love you during our childhood. Not as in a sister but.. Ya know." Ace spoke with embarrassment.

"Well I kind of realized that a bit."


"Well you kind of blushed when you were talking to me and looked away when our eyes met. It was kind of cute." I replied

Ace was fuming. Literally producing steam from his ears with a bright red face. "Well I mean it was pretty a long time ago anyway."

"Do you still like me?" I asked.

"Well (y/n) unfortunately not anymore. I really love you as a sister but I guess it was my childhood feelings." I was kind of disappointed when I heard that but it really was a long time ago.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Well now I know that you are alive. I'm so happy that I want to talk more with you. Like anything, even if it's a small unrelated topic."

We then arrived at the border of Nanohana city. Looking beyond there were only dry sand plain deserts. Sand dust drifted by the wind swirling up the surface. As I looked over I knew it was a good bye with Ace.

"I guess this is the end of our journey." Ace spoke with disappointment.

"Ya I guess"

Ace then gathered my attention"Oh! (y/n) before you go here's my vivre card." Ace ripped a piece of paper in half and handed it to me. "If you need my help don't hesitate to use it. Someday we will need to meet again!" Ace replied delightly.

"OK! Thanks Ace!"

"Also if you can try to bring Sabo" Ace whispered.

"Of course!" I replied.

"(y/n)! I guess this is a temporary goodbye. See you again someday!" Ace then started to walk away but I stopped him.

"Wait! Ace! I also have something for you!"

Ace then rushed back "uhh What is it?"

"My vivre card I had almost forgotten! If I can find you anywhere in the world you should also be able to find me!"

"Of course! I will go across the world to help my sister! "(y/n)! I guess this is an actual goodbye! I hope we meet again someday in this huge sea!"

As tears formed in my eyes I was holding myself and said, "BYE ACE! I hope to see you again as well!"


Author: That's it for today! Thank you for enjoying my story!

Ace: (y/n) I was very happy seeing you in Alabasta. As if I had received a gift from god! I was ver-

Author: Ace we get it ok (y/n) knows how much you care about her.

Ace: Author-chan don't you dare interrupt me. You're also kind of annoying because you always end the story on a good part!

Author: well not today it seems like a mini completed ending this time. Right? I mean you and (y/n) said a proper goodbye.

Ace: ya I guess I can compliment you with this chapter.

Author: Anyhow thank you for enjoying my story and see you next time!

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