Chapter 7: Loguetown Luffy and Zoro part 2

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 7 part 2. I apologize for constant delays but I'm running out of ideas so it takes some time to think of them. I will try to at least upload every week. I truly appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the story.


y/n)'s POV

"Hello? Who is this?" Dragon-san asked.

"It's me (y/n), Dragon-san!" I replied with hope in my voice.

"(y/n)? Aren't you supposed to be completing the assigned mission."

"Well we had to temporarily stop that operation due to a shipwreck. I don't know where Ivankov-san and Sabo are. I need someone to sail to Shimotsuki, East Blue and pick me up."

"Ok I will deploy navy troops to pick you up and start the search operation of Ivankov and Sabo. (y/n) hold on to this den den mushi I will be calling you back." Dragon-san responded.

"What's up with the call?" Zoro asked.

"Oh... ya my uhhh... my friends will be coming for me. Ya we are on a mission" I mustn't tell anyone about the revolutionary army. No one should be involved in our mission.

"Oh your friends... Well what friends exactly?" Zoro questioned me and I was being silent.

"You don't have to tell me if it's something personal. Anyway it seems like you have to stay here for a while until the "friend of yours" comes here to pick you up. You can stay here in our dojo until your friends come. Sensei agreed as well." Zoro smiled, explaining.

"Thank you so much! Thank you for helping me... uhh Zoro? That's your name right?" as I grinned and embarrassed him. I mean it was pretty much a life savior for me. In this strange unfamiliar island I don't think I would have been able to find a place to stay until the revolutionary army search group arrives. When I backed away Zoro stayed still and red all over his face. "Are you ok? Zoro? Did you catch a cold from me?" As I hold his face to inspect.

"Uhh.. uhhh I-I'm fine." he averted his eyes and looked away from me.

"Are you sure?"

"Ya I-I'm fine I just need to go to the washroom can you wait here?" Zoro shuttered as he walked out of the guest room.

Zoro's POV

I rushed to my own room. I could feel blood rushing through my body. My heart pounded crazy unable to calm down. As my face blush bright red and panting from embarrassment. "Hopefully she didn't notice the sound of my heart beat. Never knew that I was going to fall for someone..."

As soon as I calmed myself down I stepped out of the room and walked down stairs and saw (y/n) opening and stepping out of her room. "So Zoro you are going to show me around the village right?"

"Oh...oh y-ya I let go." I uttered my words out. When I was about to walk she linked our hands together. She dragged me outside running outside towards the crowded village.

Time skip after a few weeks

For a few weeks (y/n) and I became close friends, touring in the village and playing near the riverside catching fish. Until (y/n) was suddenly gone...

Flashback of when (y/n) left Shimotsuki village.

(y/n)'s POV

In the morning I was awoken by the sound of den den mushi in my pocket. I picked it up. "Hello? Dragon-san?"

"(y/n) the search group has located shimotsuki island and they are about to dock near the east side of the island. They will be waiting for you near the east port. You mustn't let anyone know about this, our mission is a secret."

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