Chapter 13: Rainbase

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Chapter 13: Rainbase

Hey guys I'm back with chapter 13. Hope you guys enjoy it!


(y/n)'s POV

Walking across the golden sand dunes is very tiring. Looking at exactly the same sand, digging my feet into the pile of grain. The endless terrain of sand dunes exhausted me as I continued straight towards the rainbase where the map says. I felt my skin burning hot as if they were melting down. I can feel the pain in my legs for walking such a far distance. With my trembling legs I still had to withstand the hot weather for another 30 km. My lungs were burning from breathing the hot air in the desert. If I was just 750m away from me I could teleport right into the crocodile's base. But right now at this state I didn't even have the strength to use my devil fruit power. I should have been prepared for this but I had underestimated the desert's climate.

While I was dragging my legs and keeping up my pace to the rainbase from far I saw something, like a swirl of sand drifted by a strong wind coming closer towards me. As it got closer the swirl of sand, the wind, became larger... It was A SANDSTORM. I knew what I had to do. I had to teleport myself away from this strong gust of wind sucking up any objects that got in its way. However, due to my exhaustion my vision blurred and I collapsed in the sandstorm sucked me into its core. That's when I lost my consciousness.

When I gained consciousness I was in bed, slowly unraveling the white bed sheets on top of me. I sat down to see that I was in a hospital. Wandering my eyes observing the surroundings I was not aware of where I was.

"(y/n)-chan you're awake!" I heard a familiar voice, glancing to the right of me was Sanji standing with his heart eyes.

"Sanji-san? Wh-What happened to me? Where am I?"

"(y/n)-chan you were injured badly. You were found unconscious lying in the middle of the Rainbase street. Some said that you had fallen from the sky. What happened to you?" Sanji asked.

"Oh... I think I was carried by the sandstorm unconscious to this Rainbase. Wait.. I can't waste my time here! I must go!" As I fumbled with my belongings Sanji stopped my hand, he gripped on it.

"You mustn't go right now, you're badly wounded (y/n)-chan." Ignoring Sanji's warning I had escaped from his grip and ran outside.

"Thank you for helping me and sorry Sanji-san but I must go!" I shouted.

"Wait! (y/n)-chan!" Before Sanji had finished his sentences I swiftly teleported to the main entrance of the Rainbase Casino. Luffy is also probably here assuming Sanji to be in Rainbase. But, I couldn't focus on Luffy right now. I have to complete the mission I was assigned.

I couldn't believe myself, I was swept by a sandstorm up to Rainbase. Well I mean thanks to the sandstorm and Sanji-san I was able to reach here very quickly. I took a deep breath ready to face Crocodile, Mr.0. Gripping to the handle of the door my lungs released air. When I was about to push the door open I felt a grip on my shirt being pulled down, and looking to the left was a girl with tears overflowing in her eyes. "c-could you help me find my mom?" She was now hiding her face with her pink hat, looking down as her twin tails fell over in front of her face. She was also holding a brush and a paint palette, a painter? With her blue cloud patterned shirt she wiped her tears and looked up at me.

"Hey, are you lost? Do you remember where you saw your mom the last time?" Kneeling down to match her height I held her shoulders to comfort her. I really couldn't leave the child alone. Somehow she looked like me who was lost and left alone after the buster call. The lost eyes of a child.

"Yes, I saw my mom in the Casino and then lost her in the crowds..." The girl spoke tightly, grabbing onto my shirt.

"Ok I will help you find your mom. Let's go." Gripping on to the child's hand we both then slowly entered the casino hall. Many people were gambling, some throwing their chips over joyed for making so much money, while others were in despair looking down to the ground. As both of us were wandering around checking the faces of people, "So where exactly did you lose your mom?"

"Over there..." She pointed at a sign leading to the VIP room.

"I don't think I can enter that place..."

"It's ok they will let you in." As both of us entered into a hallway where the VIP sign guided us there was the 'VIP room'. The girl then loosened her grip and let go of my hands in the process, rushing towards a staff guarding the 'VIP room'. As she was talking to one of the staff members explaining the situation I heard the name 'Miss. Goldenweek'. That's when I realized she was no ordinary girl, this little girl was one of the Crocodile's subordinates, Baroque Works office agent Miss. Goldenweek. The moment I realised this something hit really hard on the back of my head, so hard, enough for me to pass out. Through my blurry vision I could see Miss. Goldenweek smiling as I collapsed on the cold hard marbled ground.

Time skip to Crocodile's Base

I have no idea how much time had passed since I was unconscious. With my subconsciousness, on the verge of passing out again I held through pretending to be knocked out. I could hear people talking, "Is this her? (y/n) from the revolutionary army?"

"Yes, Mr.0"

"Well then you may leave." Crocodile spoke. I could hear his footsteps getting closer. "(y/n) I know you're awake, quit pretending."

"Oh really Mr.0" looking down with my hood covering over my face I didn't dare look at his disgusting face. He loved people in despair and I didn't want to see his smirking face. Glancing down to my legs and arms, they were tightly strained with sea stone chains. God dammit my powers were sealed.

With nothing left to do but talking to Crocodile he spoke again, "Well you should clearly know why I brought you here."

I was silent. I really didn't want to talk to this evil man, "You should stop being the watchdog of the revolutionary army and come here join the Baroque Works."

Suddenly a trap door on the ceiling opened as a bunch of people crashed down into the sea stone prison. Huge amount of dust created blinding my vision. "Oh look, another guest is here (y/n)." Crocodile spoke. The prison was covered with dust, it was very hard to recognize who those "guests were".

"Oi Crocodile let me go!" I shouted out loud.

"Oh not yet the Baroque Works needs your power. We need you."

When the fog of dust quickly resided and I could clearly see the intruders in the Casino, it was Luffy and his nakamas. Quickly shifting my sight to the other side of the room I had noticed that this room itself was submerged into the sea hidden from the public.


Author: That's it for today! Thank you for enjoying my story! To be honest I think this chapter I kind of made it a bit repetitive where (y/n) becomes unconscious several times.

Luffy: oi not the seastone prison I hate them. My strength gets sucked away...

Author: oh dear Luffy well I'm pretty sure you were ok. Anyhow, thank you for enjoying my story and see you next time! Also please give me further feedback to my story so I can fix any mistakes or include some suggestions!

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