Chapter 5: Loguetown incident

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 5! It's been over a week since I had updated. Again I apologize for the inconvenience. I had to finish up my final assignments in school and finish the year strong. 

This is where (y/n) goes to Logtown in order to complete her mission. Will Luffy meet (y/n)? Hopefully you enjoy this story


10 years later Time skip to Loguetown arc

Splash! As the waves clashed against the rocks on the shore near the port our ship had arrived at Loguetown. Just a few months ago I was in the revolutionary army headquarter training to become stronger.

Flashback to few months ago

Sabo and I rushed towards Dragon-san, charging towards him. As I was about to attack him Dragon-san swiftly doughed. He was soon gone, which caught me off guard. When I realized he was behind me I was too late. "Check mate" Dragon-san spoke.

"Urgh this is the 47th lose..." I sulked looking at Dragon-san. Of course Sabo also lost after I was caught off guard, Dragon-san apprehended Sabo and this round was over.

"You haven't even won once?" Dragon-san asked.

"Ya, you are too strong"

"How about I try to teach you guys how to use haki?" Dragon offered us and I of course accepted him if that 'haki' thing or whatever will make me stronger.

"Dragon-san!" the reporter spoke.

"What is it? I'm teaching haki to (y/n) and Sabo." Dragon-san questioned.

"It's an emergency! Army 11 (Army 11 is made up, since there isn't much information revealed regarding the revolutionary army in one piece i made up an army group in revolutionary army) was captured just yesterday during their mission! They are currently in logtown, temporarily seized."

"Alright, (y/n), Sabo and Koala will be following me to logtown (this actually didn't happen it's made up). It will probably take about a few months to logtown." Dragon-san spoke as I followed him "I will be explaining the plan." As Dragon-san was speaking I couldn't focus. My mind was filled up with various thoughts, "I'm finally doing my first mission as a revolutionary army chief of command. This time I'm for sure going to fight against marines."

"(y/n) are you listening?" Dragon-san questioned me while I was daydreaming.

"Oh! Yes sir!"

"So we need your devil fruit power for this plan. Your job is very important, it's going to determine the mission progress. As soon as Sabo, Koala distract marine soldiers you will use your space space no mi to create portals in the cells. Once all of the members enter your space space no mi dimension, open your portal near our ship." Dragon-san then walked off to prepare for the trip.

End of flashback

In order to complete this mission we had to first gather more information about the marine base in Logtown. Dragon-san let us lose for the day until we figure out the exact location of the cells. I stepped on the grey stones on the port, gaze over to see the crowded street. Noises of people murmuring while kids ran around playfully and foot steps of other passersby. As soon as I took a step towards the concrete floor someone grabbed my left shoulder from the back.

"Who are you looking so suspicious?", on his back said the word "justice" and he smoked out of two big tabaccos in his mouth. As he glared at me. I was wearing a hood over my head hiding my face with a mask so it may have looked suspicious. I mean to a marine captain I would have looked much more suspicious since I was climbing down from an unknown ship in the port.

"Uhh... Well I'm just a traveler to tour around this place." I spoke as I tried to avoid this situation.

"Smoker captain!" As a marine man rushed towards this smoke guy, panting. "Sir, I have gotten the new bounty poster from the headquarters! It's straw hat Monkey D. Luffy!"

"What? Let me see. Hmm it was that kid..." Smoke guys spoke.

"Apparently Straw hat is in Loguetown!"

"Bring the troops and prepare to capture Straw Hat!" Smoker shouted as the marine guy rushed towards the village. He seemed to be going to the marine base in loguetown so I decided to follow as soon as Smoker let me go.

"Yes Sir!"

"You may go." Smoker spoke.

As I dashed into the crowd chasing the marine chore boy I was thinking 'What Luffy's in this town?! I should find him, I should warn him about the marines! But no I can't in the middle of work. Also I have decided to not meet Ace or Luffy before I become strong enough to protect them! Luffy please be safe...' I told myself however, my body wasn't doing the same thing. I already had figured out that Luffy is in the central area of the town to see Gol D. Roger's execution platform. So, I was running towards the center of the town ignoring my own promise and my own will. To be honest I really did want Luffy to be safe and I really did want to meet Luffy. Deep down my heart I was defying all of my thoughts and our plan only focusing on helping Luffy.

As I run in between the gaps of people I strive, panting only concentrating on how to reach the center of the town to the Gol D. Roger's execution platform to see Luffy! I soon bumped into someone muscular with green spiky hair holding three katanas. It was Zoro! "Urgh what the... "

"Sorry I was in a hurry so..." I spoke trying to avoid eye contact. I was in a hurry to find Luffy and warn him about his situation. I didn't have the time to waste with Zoro.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding your face?"

"Uhh... well I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry so I must go!" I then started to run again towards the central area of the town.

From the distant I could hear "Oi! Wait is that really you! (y/n)!" Zoro spoke.

'I'm sorry Zoro but I will explain everything to you later. I first must go to Luffy.' I ran as fast as I could dashed across the street and finally reached the center of the town to see someone back with silky black hair, wearing a straw hat on top, the red vest and blue pants. It was Luffy! I finally found him!

Luffy's POV

I was still wondering if I was in the right place looking around and I finally had realized that the execution platform was right in front of my place. Where pirate king Gol D. Roger died. I walked up to the enormous tall platform made of metal for its base. Using gomu gomu no mi I climbed up to see the view on the top. However, my legs were soon stuck in between the metal bars of the execution platform. I swung, twisted, and struggled to untangle my legs from the metal bars but it was no use. As I turned my head around to see the central area of the town I spotted a person wearing a hood and mask hiding her face and she was calling my name? "Luffy! I need to warn you! Please come down"

I have never seen her before. I mean I couldn't even identify who it was since she was hiding

her face. But, I was still confused about how this stranger knew my name...


Author: That's it for today! Hopefully you enjoyed this story!

Luffy: (y/n) how did you know Zoro and how does Zoro know about you?

Author: well you will soon find out in the next chapter Luffy!

Luffy: oh well I wish I had realized it was you (y/n). I should have looked more carefully. In loguetown I was busy thinking about pirate king Oh well anyhow I need some meat to charge up my happiness

Author: Anyways thanks for enjoying my story! If you have any suggestions make sure to comment below! Thank you for reading!

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