Chapter 3: Childhood Memories Part 2

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Chapter 3: Childhood Memories Part 2

Hello Guys Chapter 3 is back! Despite exam studies I managed to finish this chapter somehow! Pls enjoy!


Reader's POV

Three of us swished out of the bushes. I was full of guilt and despair. I should have saved Luffy, even if facing that menacing guy. I should have jumped out. I cried, tears trickled down my face and as I shouted "WE SHOULD HAVE SAVED LUFFY! WE SHOULD HAVE JUMPED OUT OF THE BUSHES!".

"We don't have time to cry right now. We have to save Luffy!" Ace replied

"But how? We don't even know where they took Luffy." I sobbed looking at Ace.

Sabo walked up to me and said "They are the Bluejam pirates..."

"I had stolen their money from their temporary base. Probably Luffy is taken there." Ace spoke clenching his fist. "Guys I have a plan."

Luffy POV

The pirate man was grabbing the back of my shirt and walking towards a destination which I never knew. "LET ME GO!" I struggled, kicking the legs and waving my arms as I resisted.

"Kid if you don't save your breath I will kill you." he replied with a glare in his eyes as I got taken outside of the forest... to an unknown destination.

Flashback of Luffy's memory when he was caught by the pirates.

I really don't understand why these pirate men were creating havoc in our tree house. So, before anyone knew I jumped out of the bushes, anger was boiling deep in my system. I ran towards the pirate men and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

"What's this? A kid?" As the big pirate guy grabbed by my shirt. He lifted me up to his eye level and stared into my eyes as I trembled looking at the bloodthirsty eyes.

"LET ME GO! ACE SABO! (y/n)!"

End of flashback

Now these pirate guys took me to an old shabby shed. I spotted various torture weapons displayed, hung on the walls. As my palms were wet and my eyes were quivering. The man tied me up hanging over the ground. I didn't look up. I mean I couldn't look up. With those murderous eyes glaring at me. I couldn't raise my head up.

"Oi kid. So where's the money and where is Ace?"

"I don't know." I spoke quietly.

"You don't know?" The pirate then swung a huge hammer over my head. "AHAH! See if you don't obey me this is what's going to happen. Now where's..." As the pirate looked at me with his surprised expression. I ate a devil fruit called Gomu Gomu no mi, which makes me turn into a rubber human. So, physical attacks never worked on me. The pirate was silent for a while and then turned around to search for another weapon displayed on the walls. He then came up to me and swung a huge iron bat, which had spikes all over. This will damage me since the spikes were similar to knivies. BAM! I was in pain trembling legs and arms hung over the ground as blood dripped down from my head. 'Help me... Help me ACE! SABO! (y/n)!' I thought as the pirate swung the bat again.

Reader's POV

We were running towards the gray terminal, where Bluejam pirates Prochemy's temporary base is expected to be there. During the trip I kept blaming myself for being weak and unable to save luffy.

"Oi, Sabo, (y/n). Don't forget our plan ok?" Ace spoke.

"Of course." Sabo and I replied. The only thing in my mind was the plan and blaming myself for being so weak and not able to save Luffy. Outside of the forest were bumpster piles in front of a city gate. I was horrified by what I saw. I couldn't believe the Goa kingdom could just leave this place untouched. How could they not see people who needed help. As I ran across the garbage piles and looked at helpless people in Grey Terminal everything smelled like rotten meat lying on the street. At this point I was already growing hatred and resentment towards world government. The government who destroyed our village, the government who doesn't care about this social gap in Goa Kingdom and Grey Termina, I was disgusted. As I was murmuring to myself while running we finally reached our destination.

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