Chapter 7: Loguetown Luffy and Zoro

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 7. I apologize for chapter 7 delay. I had some changes in my story plot, which took some time. Many of you who were curious about how Zoro knows (y/n) hopefully you will find your answer in this chapter. if you want more information or updates about my story be sure to follow me. I will be posting updates in the conversation section (there is an announcement option to all followers in the conversation section). Please enjoy my story! 


(y/n)'s POV

Squeezing out through the crowds I was finally able to spot a marine. Well I mean thanks to Luffy many marines were patrolling outside, looking for the "30 million Straw Hat Luffy ''. I investigated the surrounding of the town to make sure no marine had realized and followed one of the patrollers. As I was about to turn around a corner of the street to follow the patrol unit someone tapped my shoulder. I thought to myself 'oh no am I caught by a marine?!'. I slowly turned around ready to attack whoever was behind me. In my vision was Roronoa Zoro. " Zoro! OMG you really scared me there!"

"(y/n), Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to hear some explanations. How are you even here? And why are you even here?" Zoro questioned as he moved closer to me.

"Well I just uhhh... here to tour around... to look around loguetown... ya" I responded.

"Does a tourist sneak around corners, spying on a marine patrol unit?" Zoro replied..

"Zoro sorry I can't explain everything but, one thing I can tell you is that I'm on a mission."

"That's the same phrase you told me when I first met you in Shimotsuki village. You always come up with the same excuse of being on a mission."

Flashback to 5 years ago when (y/n) was 12 years old

"Am I really traveling out in the East blue seas with you Ivankov-san?"

"Well of course indeed Dragon-san wants you and Sabo to experience the outside world to complete your own mission in the future."

"Are we going through the reverse mountain?!" as I was very excited to start an adventure.

"Well to be in East Blue, yes."

"YAY My first overseas adventure!" As I jumped and pounced around the ship dock.

"(y/n) calm down you must calm down and think of this as an actual mission. Be serious." Sabo suggested. I mean I was too excited. We were just going to travel to another revolutionary army base in East Blue. So I decided to restrain myself.

"(y/n) hold on to this portable den den mushi in case of any circumstances." Ivankov-san handed me a mini portable den den mushi and I placed it in my pocket.

For a few weeks we traveled across the Paradise towards the calm belt dividing East Blue and Grandline Paradise. Our ships were designed to sail across the calm belt, seastone lining at the bottom of the ship keeps Sea Kings from noticing our ship. The no waves were in motion as the ocean water seemed to be steady like ground. No wind or waves to push our ship, the ship motor was the only source to move us along. Our ship moved across and over the Sea Kings underwater into East Blue. World was filled up with the unknown. When our ship finally had sailed into East Blue sea waves started to be in motion, moving.

Days have passed since we were in East Blue and the only thing I saw was the Ocean waves. "How long do we have to wander in the sea? When will we reach our destination?"

"(y/n) we still have about a week to reach the base. How about you play with Sabo?" Ivankov-san spoke. I sulked and walked across the dock into our bed bunks. Sleeping was the best way to spend time.

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