Thievery Gone Wrong (3)

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The summoned serpent flared its jet-black wings as it roared with a defiant tweeeep.

It glared at its surroundings with slitted, golden eyes.

Another moment of silence passed as Marie and Theo blinked with stupefied expressions.

The summoned serpent was a dragon.

A very tiny dragon.

It was approximately the size of a kitten and looked small enough to fit in Theo's pocket.

It flapped its bat-like wings at Marie, who was still staring in shock, the fight between her and Theo temporarily forgotten.

'You're a baby,' Theo said.

'I am a Scourge of the Night,' It snapped its needle-like teeth.

Marie shook herself out of her stupor and began drawing magic to her pistol again.

This time Theo could tell she was gathering enough magic to do powerful damage.

Theo almost left without the summoned creature; he had never tried to keep one around before, but there was something so innocent about this tiny dragon that made him hesitate.

He scooped up his "Scourge of the Night" and twisted a shadow into a staff-like object.

'Don't manhandle me,' The dragon snarled and squirmed in the crook of Theo's arm. Its tiny claws pricked his skin through the fabric of his clothes as the dragon struggled.

Theo ducked as Marie shot at him, knocking her gun to the ground with the rough staff. Then, he kicked the weapon, sending it sliding down the slope they were standing at the top of.

Marie had no choice but to scramble after the pistol.

She knew that her swordsmanship alone wouldn't be enough to apprehend Theo. It wasn't a huge delay, but it would have to be enough.

Theo dashed for the tree line of the surrounding forest. The thick trunks of the old growth would provide cover, making it more difficult for Marie to aim accurately.

He made it to the trees at about the same time Marie recovered her pistol if the splintering tree trunk beside him told him anything.

He just had to get a little further, and he would reach his companion.

Some shouts filled the air, calling to Marie. It seemed her companions had arrived, and Theo's footsteps left a clear trail in the snow.

Theo sprinted even faster, causing the little dragon to nip him in anger.

'This jostling displeases me, mortal.' The dragon complained.

Theo ignored it.

There, behind the copse of junipers. Theo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Carrot Sticks," Theo called to the unicorn who was waiting for him.

A whicker greeted him as he rounded the trees to see Carrot Sticks.

Carrot was a dun-colored unicorn with a black horn. He was a beautiful creature but annoying.

Yet, despite the unicorn's annoying personality, Carrot was an invaluable partner. Unicorns were much faster than horses and notoriously challenging to get to accept riders.

As long as Theo was with Carrot, it was difficult, though not impossible, to catch up with him.

"Why didn't you come for me?" Theo complained. "You had to have heard the fighting."

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