The Gems (2)

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Marc and Vin had left to find information on the missing gems, and Theo stuck was training with Henley. Henley was always a bit harsh with Theo, which made the training unpleasant. Still, Henley seemed in a relatively good mood as he brought snacks that day. 

"Thanks," Theo said as the taciturn archer wordlessly handed him a pastry. Giselle must have pestered Henley about making sure he ate enough.

Scourge clambered his way to Theo's shoulder as soon as he saw the snack. However, at the first bite, the pastry was a bit bitter. Theo took another bite, and that was when he doubled over, falling out of the dining room chair. 

"Scourge, don't eat." Theo gasped. His vision was already blurring, and breathing seemed virtually impossible.

"Mortal Theo!" The tiny dragon nudged his face, "What is the matter?"

Theo tried to answer, but his reply was unintelligible as he curled into a ball on the floor. It was clear to Theo what was happening. Henley had poisoned him with reselden root. However, Theo was surprised to find that he was slightly disappointed now that the end was coming. It seemed a small part of him had started to hope he had a chance of standing against Dullahan. Yet, he couldn't resent Henley. Logically speaking, Theo also thought this was probably the best course of action if one was concerned about humanity as a whole.

Theo was only vaguely aware of Henley crouching down beside him.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure there's no blood left," Henley tipped a small vial into Theo's mouth, and the symptoms intensified. It was more reselden root. Henley winced as Theo convulsed.

"Sorry about the pain. It's nothing personal, but my team is risking too much for a liability like you. At any rate, it'll be better for you if you aren't conscious for the next part of this. With the amount of reselden I gave you, you should be out by now."

Henley sighed but didn't look too bothered about it. He pulled a bit of wood tinder and matches, and soon a fire was crackling in Marc's dining room.

Theo attempted to look for where Scourge was, but his vision was too blurred to determine whether the dragon was there. He hoped the dragon had run.

The flames were just starting to lick at Theo's skin when Carrot burst into the house. The unicorn bit onto the collar of Theo's shirt and drug him out of the house. If he survived this, Theo was going to be covered in bruises.

A crowd was starting to form as Carrot burst out of the house. He ignored them, running at top speed for a series of winding alleys where it would be easier for them to escape the public's gaze.

"Come on, Theo," Carrot urged when they stopped. "You're my only family left." Theo could only groan in reply causing the unicorn to anxiously tap his hooves while Scourge hovered by Theo's forehead.

"What do we do?" Scourge whispered.

"The ring," Carrot answered. "Just tap that ring he uses to talk to Marc like crazy. He might realize something is wrong."


"Sofia," Marc's eyes grew wide with alarm, and he sloshed his tea on himself with the ring he wore started buzzing in a frantic pattern, "Do you have communication paper?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," His sister sniffed, holding the document she was pouring over high enough to cover her face.

"I know you keep it around to talk to Vin," Marc's eyes were intense enough to make Sofia put down her paper. "I need some; it's an emergency."

Sofia quickly passed Marc some paper from her purse and a pen. Marc promptly scrawled out a message for Vin. He wished he could send a message directly to Giselle asking Theo's location, but the communication paper would only go between two designated people.

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