Save the traitor (8)

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Despite making good time on his journey, considering that he only had a normal horse as his transportation, Theo felt rather unsettled.

And it wasn't just because his magic was still on the fritz.

No matter how he tried to keep himself busy, Theo was hyper aware of the book he was transporting.

He carried it in a backpack, wrapped in a spare shirt, but it still felt hot against his back.

Despite the cool air, his back was beading with sweat from the excessive warmth.

Theo was troubled by an incessant urge to open the book, but he knew his oath wouldn't let him.

"Seriously, what kind of little demon book did Dullahan ask for," Theo grumbled.

The spine of the book was all Theo was allowed to read, and it was incredibly vague: Donahue's Magical Investigations and Findings.

Of course the little demon book had to do with magic, but...

"Couldn't the author have given potential readers just a little more to go off of?"

Theo ate jerky to keep his mind off of the book and his numbed magic.

However, even that backfired and Theo began to stress about how Carrot and the others were doing with Owen's rescue instead.

"Hopefully that won't become an even bigger mess."


Black fabric obscured Vin Nisman's brilliant hair and even more fabric covered his face as he crouched just outside the barrier of Dullahan's base.

The others were just a few yards behind him, they would wait while he snuck into the camp and extracted Owen.

Vin rubbed a thumb over the silver medallion tucked into his black cloak before taking a deep breath and stepping toward the barrier.

According to the unicorn, there was an invisible barrier around Dullahan's base.

It would immediately curse the human and alert Dullahan if any human without a medallion crossed it.

The unicorn had a medallion that would allow a human to cross the barrier, but he only had one.

The group had considered trying to toss the medallion back and forth across the barrier.

The idea ended up being rejected as it would be a disaster if they all had to make a quick escape, and there was only one medallion.

It was nerve wracking to go in alone, but Vin knew they were lucky to be able to receive even the one medallion.

The air seemed to thicken and Vin's skin prickled as he crossed the barrier.

He paused just long enough to take stock of his condition after crossing the barrier.

He didn't seem cursed.

No one was rushing to capture him.

Vin would assume the crossing had gone successfully for now.

Vin began to follow the route that he, Clara and the unicorn had discussed in the strategy meeting.

The unicorn's map may have been rustic, but it appeared to be accurate as everything was exactly as described.

Soon, Vin arrived at a stone building with small, barred windows.

On either side of the only door stood two guards.

Vin would have to take them out in order to get to Owen.

While crouching low, Vin placed two daggers between his hands.

He was an innate magic user, but he had trouble manipulating his own magic.

Wands just snapped on him.

Staffs were no better.

But blades were the perfect channel for him.

He was something in between a magic swordsman and a wizard.

Vin wound magic around the blades to make them fly straighter and pierce deeper than any blade should be able to.

Then he let them fly.

The guards had no time to process their deaths before they fell.

They were spared neither a glance nor an ounce of guilt as Vin stepped over their bodies and entered the small prison.

The air was ripe with putrid fumes, but Vin was already used to the stench of such places. He ignored it and quickly found Owen's cell.

Vin didn't waste time searching the guards for a key. Instead he imbued a dagger with magic and cut through the lock.

He drew closer to Owen to find the younger man in a pitiful state. He was thin, wounded and unconscious.

When Vin grabbed Owen's wrist, Owen's skin was burning hot.

"Hopefully Giselle can help some."

Giselle's magic only vaguely overlapped with that of a healer, but she was the best option.

Healers were hard to come by, and their mission had been secretive and sketchy.

Giselle and some premade potions would have to be enough to get Owen to a town.

"Try to hold on, Owen."

Vin tugged Owen onto his back, but Owen's legs dragged the ground. He was too tall for the short Vin to carry like that.

"Sorry," Vin murmured as he moved Owen to a princess carry.

The young man's face contorted with pain as he was jostled around.

Running, Vin made his way back to the barrier.

This was where all hell was about to break loose.

He only had enough medallions for one person, and there were two of them.

It was inevitable to set off the barrier.

He took the medallion off of himself and placed it on Owen.

Whoever didn't have the medallion would get cursed, and Vin was worried the weakened Owen wouldn't survive.

Vin took a deep breath and took a runner's stance.

Whatever happened, he needed to make it all the way through the barrier, so his comrades could collect him and Owen.

With that, he ran.

Running into the barrier was like running into a brick wall, but Owen pushed forward.

While his skin had prickled before, now it felt oppressive.

Vin pumped his arms and legs forward.

Run. Run. Run. Vin chanted to himself.

Then the curse hit him.

Everything turned dark.

It was more than the dark of blindness.

It was a void.

Vin was unable to sense where his body was or what his limbs were doing.

Still. Run. Just keep running.

Vin pushed himself without knowing if he was successful.

And then he lost consciousness.

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