Going to Town (3)

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Theo awoke with a start, wincing as his jolting movement caused his side and neck to ache with renewed vigor.

He didn't appear to be in a hospital. That was good.

The room was small with yellow, peeling walls, and Marc was asleep in a patched armchair.

Theo grinned. If he remembered the words of the vow correctly, Marc couldn't tell anyone about him until after he had a conversation with Theo.

If Theo could sneak away, Marc could never tell anyone about him.

Theo slipped out of the covers and tested the floor with his foot.

The world grayed.

Theo swayed.

But the floor didn't creak. Theo stepped fully onto the floor, creeping to the door.

The door squealed.

Marc jumped up, yanking Theo back by his good shoulder.

"Oh no," Marc said, forcing Theo to sit back on the bed. "I did not let you vomit on me and drag your unconscious carcass across town so you could ditch me."

"I saved your life," Theo said with a shrug, instantly regretting the decision when his shoulders protested the movement.

Marc glared.

"I'm not going to talk about what happened," Theo said.

Marc blinked for several long seconds before he realized what Theo meant.

"I freakin' hate oaths," Marc said as he drew his sword and pointed it at Theo. "I'm not letting you leave until we have a 'proper talk' about what happened."

Theo's shoulders shook with laughter.

There was no way Marc thought he could beat him. "Face it, you know you can't beat me."

"You're a dirty cheat," Marc grumbled but lowered his sword.

Theo nodded in agreement. "But I think I do have a deal you might like."

Marc raised an eyebrow. "Getting swindled again?"

"You worded the oath," Theo said. "Anyway, I was thinking if you can't tell anyone about me, I am free to share some information with you."

"What kind of info are we talking about?" Marc asked.

"My name is Theo," Theo began, "but lately my wanted posters have read 'Neo.'"

Marc stiffened before slamming Theo into the wall. "You tried to kill the king!"

Theo gasped for breath. "If you do things like this, I won't tell you anything."

"I could just kill you and be done with it. Probably even get a promotion for your head." Marc growled as he squeezed Theo's already sore throat with his hand.

Theo clawed at Marc's hands, loosening his grip just enough to speak. "-hate Dullahan-" Theo managed to choke out.

"Yeah, then why are you serving that monster?" Marc's tone was rough, but he eased his grip slightly.

"I may have entered a bad oath myself," Theo said.

Or rather a series of nasty oaths. Dullahan kept adding amendment after amendment to keep Theo on his best behavior.

Marc raised an eyebrow. "You're going to have to be more specific if you want me to let a filthy murderer free."

Theo sighed and tugged on his mana, using it to pull and wind all the shadows in the room around Marc.

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