Sneaking Out (4)

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As soon as Chaya woke, Theo handed her a bit of cheese and bread before taking down the tent.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Chaya asked, "You know you can die from sleep deprivation, right?"

"I'll get around to it," Theo said.

Chaya hovered over him. "What do you mean you'll get around to it? I know you haven't slept for at least a full day, probably longer."

"Look, I don't trust you enough to stay and sleep in a location you know."

"I won't betray you. You're the dragon's papa."

"Papa?" Scourge asked.

"No-I'm just-"

"What's 'papa'?"

"A papa's a dad," Chaya explained.

"I'm just a temporary guardi-"

Scourge's tail started twitching. Theo was sure Chaya had insulted the tiny dragon's honor by suggesting Theo as a father figure.

"A dad. I have heard some lesser creatures have these 'mother' and 'father' caretakers. Silly creatures. I hear some of them dote on their children a foolish amount." Scourge thumped his tail some more. "Very well, Mortal Theo, you may call yourself my 'papa' if it pleases you."

Chaya beamed.

"Look," Theo began, "I'm sure a great one such as yourself wouldn't want a mere mortal-"

"I shall allow it." Scourge glared. His eyes narrowed to slits. "You will be Papa Mortal Theo."

Theo sighed, and his shoulders drooped.

"Can it at least be 'dad' instead of 'papa'?"

"I can consider it." Scourge preened before giving a tiny cough. "I will also allow foolish doting." His tail thumped again.

"Thanks." Theo patted Scourge on the head. All-in-all, Theo was amazed that Chaya made his guardianship role so much more complicated in one sentence.

"Now, regardless of all that, we are still moving locations. Don't bother teleporting back here." Theo warned Chaya. "It will just be a waste of mana."

"Geez," Chaya polished off the last of her food and stood up. "If you were going to be this paranoid, why didn't you take me up on the offer to make an oath?"

"I'm allergic." Theo smiled.

"Your papa is full of crap." Chaya bopped Scourge on the nose with one finger.

Chaya fussed with the collar of her sweater and tied her boots before taking a deep breath. "Well, I suppose it's time for me to start the journey home," she sighed.

"Ah, here's the rest of your payment."

Theo handed Chaya the remaining gold coins he owed her.

"Here, let me do one more thing." Chaya pulled out her short wand and performed a quick spell.

"Your hair and eye color should be changed for a full day now. I doubt your picture was captured in all the chaos, so this is probably good enough to get you through the next portal as long as you make good time."

Theo blinked. This help was far more than he expected.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? Teleporting will drain a lot of your mana."

"This only takes a tiny bit of mana." Chaya shrugged. "Well, see you then. Remember, Scourge needs a checkup at least once a year."

Chaya waited for Theo to give a confirming nod to Scourge's appointment before she teleported.

"Well, that was a nice, pleasant human interaction for you," Carrot said as he walked up to Theo's shoulder. "Now, why don't we try to get you some sleep and hit the portal before your strawberry concept wears off?"

"Okay, okay, I'm hurrying." Theo double-checked that Scourge was safely on his shoulder and gathered the remainder of the supplies.

The trio traveled about an hour at a fast gallop before they stopped, and Theo set up the tent again.

Theo was about to drift off to sleep when his ring started buzzing. It was a message from Mark. He wanted to meet in two days. Theo calculated the time remaining.

He could get to the Ascia in about a week.

He should have enough time to spare without raising Dullahan's suspicions since he had been able to have Chaya teleport him. Theo countered Mark's demands with a more realistic time frame.

Theo pulled the blanket over his head to block out the light and curled up. Scourge purred softly by his back.


Marc and Vin were meeting in Vin's personal quarters. The room was extremely tidy. No personal effects were out at first glance. Marc often suspected that Vin had a home in addition to his knights' quarters, but the secretive Vin had never confirmed Marc's theory.

Marc was sprawled out on a soft two-cushion sofa while Vin sat in a plush, oversized armchair. Vin was cocooned in a large, knitted blanket. There was artwork on the walls, but it was strangely generic. A fire gently flickered in the fireplace. The room was a strange mix of sterile and cozy.

"Theo said he can't meet until six days from now," Marc sighed. "Do you have a mission then?"

"I have to escort the princess then. It'll be a three-week mission."

"I forgot Sofia had to visit her fiancé," Marc said. "I'm sure she's thrilled about that."

"I am sure she will have many complaints," Vin said with a slight smile.

"Tell me about it," Marc grimaced. Personally, he thought Sofia should just put her foot down and rebel against the king and queen if she hated having an arranged fiancé that much.

"Anyway, since we won't have much time to spare, do you think you could visit the church? Just to see if you notice discrepancies that would give Theo a better idea of where to look?"

Vin nodded. "Sure. That should be low-risk. There would be no reason for anyone to connect me to Theo's theft as long as I only look around."

"Thanks." Marc paused for a moment. "Hey, what's your opinion on Theo?"

"My opinion?"

"You're good at judging people," Marc shrugged. "Do you think he's as bad as all the rumors say?"

"Theo of Dullahan. He's a tough one," Vin said. "Meeting him in person...I must admit, I understand what you mean when you say it's hard to reconcile him with the criminal he's supposed to be."

"I know that some criminals are supposed to be like really charming to throw you off and all, but that's not what it seems like," Marc said. "He really seems more like-"

"A victim?"


"You really love making more work for me, Marc." Vin frowned. "I'll see what I can find regarding the events Theo has been involved in, but you'll have to help read through the reports."

"That I can do."

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