Save the Traitor (3)

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A massive tower dominated the cityscape of Penshaw.

Standing high above the other buildings, it was a graceful and massive piece of architecture that could only be built through the use of magic. It was the Magic Research Center and Institute.

Theo whistled at the sight. He was excited to see the famous library inside the magic tower. It was world renowned for its vast number of magical tomes.

It would be nice if he could read them. Sadly, Dullahan had forbidden him to read more than the spine and cover of the books on magic.

Sighing with resentment, Theo walked to find an inn.

He needed a place he could wash up at and change into some clean clothes so he didn't look quite as ragged.

He was planning on entering the tower as a tourist. He would be able to view the first ten floors that way. Then he could find a way to sneak into the library.

Because the books were so valuable, visitors had to either be affiliated with the tower or apply for a special permit to enter the library.

Guilt prickled Theo's heart as he thought about stealing from the tower.

There was no telling how valuable the book he was going to steal would be. The knowledge it contained could be irreplaceable.

Hopefully the tower has a lot of very studious students who have already read it.

Theo tried to shove the guilty feeling aside. His heart was not cut out for this sort of thing.

Soon, Theo made it to an inn. He paid for his newly acquired horse to stay in the stables and paid for a room with a bath.

It was a fancy inn that had baths with magical artifacts that could automatically fill it with hot water.

The luxury was welcome, and Theo soon completed his transformation into a fresh-faced tourist scholar.

Theo slid a pair of glasses that had zero functional purpose on his face and tied his black hair back with a leather string. It was getting just long enough to tie back. Then he shrugged into an open sweater.

Yes. This is what someone who vacations by visiting research centers would look like. Theo thought.

He perfectly fit his stereotype of what a scholar appearance should be.

Excitement buzzed in his stomach as he thought about looking around the tower. He was insanely curious about all the magic artifacts they would have on display.

With that he made his way to the magic tower.


Disappointment wracked Theo's heart as he stood on the second floor of the magic tower.

This was the floor that hosted countless magic artifacts and yet...

He couldn't look at any of them!

If he got close enough to read the placards next to the artifacts, the oath around his neck started reacting violently.

Theo was forbidden to study magic and apparently reading about the artifacts counted.

He signed and glued his eyes to his feet as he made his way up the tower. He wanted to make sure the oath wouldn't suspect him of studying up on any of the artifacts.

When Theo got to the tenth floor, he began to look for the way to the rest of the tower.

Eventually he found a stair case with a guard. It appeared those affiliated with the tower had some sort of ID they had to show the guard to access the rest of the tower.

This would be a piece of cake for Theo.

He sidled up near the staircase and looked around to make sure nobody was watching. Then he slipped into the shadows and let them erase his presence.

A shiver ran down Theo's spine as he used the shadows to sneak past the guard.

The ability to manipulate and use shadows was convenient, but they always felt somehow sentient when he interacted with them.

He had a feeling if he was to get hurt while he was in the shadows, they would devour him.

Theo separated from the shadows as soon as he was past the guard. The shadows clung to him as if resistant to let him go.

He tried not to spend long in the shadows' presence. Theo didn't want to confirm what would happen if he was weakened while under their influence.

Now it was time for the toughest part of Theo's job.

Since the upper floors of the magic tower were off limits for visitors, he hadn't been able to find a map to the library.

Theo would have to wander around until he found it on his own.

And his sense of direction was lacking to say the least. 

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