Save the traitor (6)

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"These are the people that will help us rescue Owen."

Marc introduced Carrot to a group of three people. There were two men and one woman.

For a moment, Carrot was taken aback. He was planning to mock Marc for gathering a group of useless people. But he couldn't.

Something about each person made him think they weren't completely weak.

The woman was petite and wore a large, floppy witch's hat. She had long hair that was the soft blue of a mineral-rich spring. Sprites that would be invisible to most humans and disinterested in them flitted around her.

The taller of the two men had an enchanted bow and arrows on his back. Carrot could tell they were strong weapons and that the man was more than qualified to wield them. The man had a smattering of freckles and emerald eyes.

The shorter of the men wore twin blades on his hips. Carrot couldn't figure out what type of magic he specialized in, but the man moved with a wolf's quiet yet dangerous grace. His hair and eyes glinted with a coppery fire.

"They aren't trash," Carrot said with a swish of his tail. It hurt him to admit Marc had done a satisfactory job.

"Of course they aren't; they are people I gathered." Marc puffed his chest.

"That's why I thought they would be trash."

"This unicorn..." Marc gritted his teeth, "even a saint's patience would be tested by you. I don't know why that villain keeps you around."

"Hmmph." Carrot jerked his head to the side. "Does the virtuous you not even have the manners to introduce me to your companions?

Marc glared at Carrot for a moment but complied and introduced the others.

First, he gestured to the female witch. "This is Giselle Forest."

Then the archer. "Henley Fletcher."

Last, the man with the twin blades. "Vin Nisman."

"I am Carrot Sticks." The unicorn elegantly extended his neck toward the humans. Somehow he managed to make those four words sound haughty beyond measure.

"And I am the mighty Scourge!" A tiny voice, followed by scrabbling sounds came from a pouch Carrot had draped on his back. Scourge then popped his head out.

Carrot winced. He and Theo had instructed the dragon to stay hidden from others.

"What the hell?" Henley glared at Scourge.

Vin's hands moved to his weapons.

The sprites around Giselle hid in her hair.

"I am Scourge. Tempest of the Underworld, Rage of the Abyss, Pr-"

"Isn't he kind of cute?" Giselle pressed her hands to her cheeks as a smile lit her face.

The sprites were dismayed and started to try to pull the witch back by her hair as she crossed over to Scourge and picked him up. To most humans, it would look like her hair was floating ethereally around her.

"I am not cute. I'm fierce!" Scourge protested with a flutter of his tiny wings.

But his protests turned to purrs as Giselle scratched Scourge under his chin and cradled him in the crook of her arms.

"Why is there a tiny dragon?" Henley asked.

"He's a companion to- "Marc started to explain, but the oath cut him off. He broke off in a fit of coughs.

"He's with me. Accept it or rescue that kid on your own." Carrot sneered at the archer.

"They're fine with Scourge," Marc interjected. Marc glared at the others as if daring them to argue. They kept their silence.

Carrot sighed.

To be honest, Carrot didn't trust any of these humans. He didn't like them. He didn't want to work with them.

But if the Owen kid died, Carrot knew Theo would blame himself.

And Carrot also knew Theo was constantly tottering on the edge of his breaking point, so he put aside his feelings and decided to help the humans.

That was all the time they wasted on the subject, and everyone immediately began saddling up.

Soon after, Carrot began leading the way back to Dullahan's base.


While drawing his cloak tighter around his shoulders, Theo realized the night was much more disturbing without his magic.

It was also the first time he had traveled so far without Carrot in a very long time.

It was a cold and cloudy night, but Theo didn't dare light a fire in case the mages from the tower saw the smoke and decided to check it.

Theo had managed to ride for several hours before night fell, but there still wasn't that much distance between him and town. Smoke and light would be easy to see from miles away on this type of night.

It was dark enough that Theo couldn't see his fingers when he raised his hand in front of his face.

In that darkness, the shadows felt oppressive.

Theo thought if he spilled a single drop of blood, he would have no hope of managing whatever happened next.

"How long will it take for this seal to wear off?"

Theo muttered to himself as he waited for sleep to come.

However, he knew such a thing wouldn't happen. He was too on edge.

Nevertheless, he squeezed his eyes shut until the sky lightened enough to see where he was going.

Then he immediately started traveling again. Besides wanting to put more distance between him and the town, Theo was anxious to return to base and learn how Owen's rescue mission had proceeded.

Unfortunately, the horse he was riding couldn't move anywhere near as fast as a unicorn.

It was going to be a long, anxious journey.

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