Pink Hue Love

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When I think of you, words fail me. It seems that only soft ohs and sighs are all that I can manage. But if you look at the sky, when it is streaked with pink clouds, just know that is how I feel about you. Those pink clouds take on a deeper tint, almost rouge. It's the color of our lips when we pull away from kissing each other. It's actually the same color as the top of your ears when you are flustered or blushing. The clouds are more like the passion I have for you, the passion in my affections.

 The distance between the cotton candy clouds is filled in with a lavender tone that rounds the bright glow of the sun. There are moments when my feelings for you are intense and hotly burning. Sometimes, even too much for me to handle. But when away from you, as we are most of the time, that hot flame doesn't burn out. It simply subsides to a softer, but still warming glow. When I miss you, I hug your hoodie as cheesy as it is. A similar feeling washes over me or rather takes root in my chest like the soft glow of the sky. 

Just above the roofs of houses, there is a baby pink hue, near white highlights that dash the sky. Pure light seeps in through the small cuts in the clouds. I've tried to label my feelings, compare them to emotions I have felt before. But I end up with no conclusion. Though, there are facts that I know are true, tangible moments I've had with you that assure me even though I feel uncertain and confused. 

I woke up from a dreamless nap and by chance, took a look outside my window. I thought to myself, what a beautiful phenomenon.

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