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Time is nolinear
Diconnected and attached
Everywhere and all around
But physically nonexistent

It is the only measure
That had always existed

It is a foe, a friend
An ally beside all kind
It is a circle never ending

It is a tyrant
That rules with an iron fist
It creates and destroys

A teacher to all
Wise and old
We can learn from it
Or be stubborn and ignore it

It is out of order
Putting the events of life at a random time with perfect timing

What you may not realize now
Maybe discovered later or never

You can be against it
Constantly fighting it, but to end up in conflict with yourself

You can be lost in it
In between the present, past, and future
Life and death

It gives life meaning
Reminding us that our days are numbered
Giving value and gift of appreciation

Time will never go
But sometimes it won't show

Sometimes it passes by us
Like a bystander on a street

Sometimes it faces us
Intimidating, imposing
Like a barrier that seems we cant overcome it

Like a melody
Its soundly and smooth

Like a bell
It reminds us
Constantly ringing around us

Time is just this.

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