A Vignette: Mars

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She is like an ocean overflowing, crashing, smooth, and lulling. Enveloping every kind of emotion, each one manifesting into form and moving on with time. She shapes her surroundings with gentle waves or typhoons, causing commotion at the sight of change. She's not always a troubled sea, but more like wild waters.

Swaying your decisions this way and that way, do you ever feel like you're holding back on yourself? Do you ever think about that social gathering you missed and all of the possible friends you could've made if you just decided to go? But it seems that you don't dwell on negative memories because at 2 AM you're still awake, deepening an abyss with unique specimens of new opportunities and thoughts. It seems that time doesn't matter to you because you only seem to live in the present.
You are also like a prism. A pyramid with different faces, reflecting different colors when he spotlight strikes at different angles. You become a blooming rose as a blush spreads across your face like a wild fire caused by the simplest of compliments. Then you're a uncut sapphire, a violet-blue stone with a natural unsympathetic gaze. But when left in he dark, with the moon replacing the sun, you change your whole spectrum of traits.
Everyday, you go to the same classes with the same people, and walk the same routes with the same posture and style. But how is is it that those same, exact experiences are inconsistent in their likeness? Why is there always something more or less to a leaf of a tree? Why can't it be just be a leaf? But then that's saying you are nothing more and nothing less. However, that's not true because you are a person, an ocean, and a prism that reflects you in every different way.

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