The beginning

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*5 years ago*

Meredith POV:
I just arrived in Seattle. My job as a surgical intern starts tomorrow. Maybe I should go out and explore a bit, maybe I should go check out a bar I could sure use a drink.
Meredith arrives at joes bar and walks in to sit down at the mostly empty counter. She orders and someone started talking to her.
Dereks POV:
I wanted to go to a bar before staring my new job as an Attending brain surgeon tomorrow. I ordered a beer and sat down at the counter in quite for a bit, then a beautiful blonde hair women sat next to me she ordered and we talked for a while next thing you know we were back at an old house making out.
*present time (end of season 5)*

Merediths POV: Derek and I just got married on a post it note. And George is dead, I'm in so much disbelief he can't be gone can he? I'm not sure how I feel about this whole married thing and this whole George Is dead thing. I need some rest but I just can't sleep thinking about him. This doesn't feel real at all.
Meredith arrives home and lays down on her bed. Her husband isn't laying next to her because he is still at work. They just got married they should be celebrating but they are dealing with the death of their former friend.
Dereks POV:
I feel so bad that I'm stuck at work and not home holding my hot wife close to me. She needs me, she needs a shoulder to cry on. She needs someone to be with her.

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