How is she?

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*2 days later*
Meredith finally can walk again but she hasn't talked much to Derek she has talked to everyone else but him. "Can we get some privacy for a while" Derek asked everyone who was checking on Meredith "Sure  , everyone out" Richard said loudly. "Mer, are you mad at me?" Derek asked, "I'm not happy about what you said that night, if you would of not of said what you did then I wouldn't be here." Meredith said quietly. "I know, I will never forgive myself for this, it's my fault I understand that. I'm not a good human, I'm a monster. What have I done." Derek said fighting back tears. "No your not a monster Derek, I still love you and want my life to be with you. I will have kids with you if my stomach heals properly. As long as it keeps you in my life". Meredith said as she took Dereks hand. "No, we don't need kids as long as I have you." Derek said as they sat in silence.
It was now 3 days after Meredith was found she was mostly healed but a little sore. Derek didn't know if she was ok she wouldn't talk about her feelings at all. "You can go home now, are you ready?" Derek asked "yes I am" Meredith said quietly. They got in the car and Meredith started to get nervous. "Uhm- I- don't think- I don't think I should look, I'm going to take a nap" Meredith said as her voice was breaking. "Ok whatever you need" Derek said. They now arrived home Derek took Meredith up to their bedroom where they had a deep discussion about how she was doing. "Are you ok, you haven't talked about how you feel lately do you have any pain" he asked her. "Yes, I do have some pain" she said quietly. "Where at Meredith this is important" he said loudly "No I'm just hurting not where I was injured I'm just hurting inside" she said. "What?" Derek said sadly. "My face is ruined, my stomach is ruined, my whole body is ruined I have cuts all over I look disgusting, I wish this never happened. I'm never gonna look the same" She said crying. "Meredith Grey you are beautiful with scars or without you will always be beautiful, your not disgusting your amazing never think about yourself like that ever again" he said with tears in his eyes. He grabbed her and they layed with there arms around each other. Then Meredith moved her head onto Dereks chest. Derek was upset that he mad Meredith feel this way about herself. "Der" a small voice said. "Yes honey" he replied, "I don't think we will be able to have kids my stomach is messed up Bailey said my uterus might not be strong enough" she said quietly "that's ok we have each other" Derek replied. Derek felt his shirt get wet he could tell Meredith was crying. He lifted her head of his chest and looked at her beautiful eyes "Hey it's ok" he said as he held her close.

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