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Derek and his family arrived in New York again. They got a cab and drove back to Carolyns house. Derek will stay there for a little and Amelia has been living there for a while. He didn't even think about getting a job yet but he knew at some point he was going to need a job at a hospital. Amelia told him where she works and he headed over there to interview. As he walked him he went to a nurses office asking for the chief of surgeries office. He got directed and as he was walking that way he saw someone. Someone he wasn't wanting to cross paths with ever again. They left on good circumstances but after Meredith dying, he was broken. "Derek" the voice Asked. "Addison" he sighed. "Wha- what are you doing here I figured you would still be in Seattle with Mer" She laughed. "Uh yeah, me and Mer didn't make it. So I came down here I'm staying with my mom and Amelia" He sighed staring at the floor. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. You guys were perfect for each other" Addison said patting his back. "So, you're here for a job?"She asked. "Uhm yeah I just- yeah" He gave a fake smile. "Ok cool. See you around hopefully" She smiled and started walking away. "Hey Addison. My mom has been asking how you have been lately because Amelia has been talking about you. I don't want you back I promise but do you want to come over for dinner some night? If not that's ok my mom has just been wondering" he rambled. "Yeah Derek I'll come and it's ok I'm in a relationship" She smiled walking away. He had a interview with the chief and got the job as an attending neuro surgeon because Amelia was chief. He told his mother and Amelia about having Addison over for dinner to catch up and that he hadn't told her about Meredith yet. They said it was fine and Derek went to tell Addison to come over tonight. He told her and then left going home. "Hey Der" Carolyn smiled. "Hi mom" He copied her smile. "Did you get the job?" She questioned. "Yes I will work under Amelia" He giggled. He went up to his bedroom and decided it was time to unpack. He put his post it in the drawer beside his bed and placed her clothes in the closet. He placed some of his shirts in the drawer covering the post it and put the pillow case on the pillow next to his. He than put their blanket on his bed. He laid staring at the ceiling for a while and then made his way downstairs to help his mom cook dinner. Derek ended up spilling something all over his shirt and asked Amelia to grab him a new one from his drawer. She agreed and went into his shirt drawer and dug through it trying to find a nice shirt when she came across the post it. It brought tears to her eyes thinking about how he was still grieving his wife. She quickly covered it and wiped her eyes and made her way down stairs to hand him the shirt. Derek changed his shirt and then finished dinner as there was a knock on the door. Amelia let Addison in greeting her with a hug. "Addison" Carolyn smiled also hugging her. Derek stayed back because it was awkward since he's still married. They sat down and ate dinner and talked about some stuff. "So you and Meredith didn't make it? You guys were the dream couple" Addison said. "Yup" Derek replied remembering she didn't know about Merediths death. "I'm sorry Derek" She laughed. "What's funny?" Amelia asked. "It's just he fought so hard for her and then she gave up on him" She replied. Amelia shot Derek a look asking if she could tell Addison what really happened. Derek shook his head allowing her too. "Addison we haven't been completely honest. Derek and Meredith didn't make it, they got married but then something happened" Amelia sighed thinking about the event. Addison sat there with a confused look on her face. "Meredith went missing for a couple of days and when we found her we found out she was in a crash which badly injured her. She barley made it through that but a couple of weeks later Meredith was found unconscious and we found out she had a brain bleed. She didn't make it. She died" Derek continued and cried. "Oh- I'm so sorry Derek I didn't know, I feel like a horrible person I'm just- gonna head out" She rambled. "No no Addison it's ok you didn't know I didn't tell you" Derek sighed. They sat down and finished dinner. Then Derek went upstairs to lay down in his bed pulling the blanket that he shared with his wife over his shoulders. He put his head on Merediths pillow and ended up falling asleep peacefully. At least as peaceful as he could have gotten without his wife.

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