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Today was Dereks first day at work. He was pretty excited to get back to working but he knew it wouldn't be the same. He walked through the new hospital seeing some other doctors. Some eyed him up and down wondering about the new attending. He was going to keep his wife's death low key so no one would ask questions or feel bad for him. He walked to the attendings lounge dropping his stuff into his locker and taking out his ferry boat scrub cap. A couple of other attendings said hello to him and introduced themselves. The only people Derek knew was his sister, Tom Koracick and Addison. He didn't really know Tom but he knew that he used to be Anelias teacher. He started his shift in the ER finding a little girl who needed a shunt placed in her brain. Derek took her up to the OR, the nurses where getting the patient prepped while Derek and a resident scrubbed in. Derek still kept his ring from his and Mers wedding on his hand. He scrubbed around it and pinned it to his scrub top while the resident looked at him "hey. I'm Dr Evans" She smiled. "Hey." Derek sighed. "So are you married?" she asked making small talk. "Uhm yeah" He smiled and walked into the OR getting gowned and gloved. The operation started and lasted 6 hours and the patient survived with flying colors. Derek scrubbed out and walked to the attendings lounge meeting Addison. "Hey how was the surgery" She asked. "Uh good other than the resident kept asking me questions" He smiled. "Residents are nosy. I try and ignore them as much as possible" She chuckled. "Yeah. Mer would've been a 5th year next month" He sighed staring at the floor tears making their way to his eyes. The attendings lounge door opened as Tom Koracick walked in. "Oh this is Amelias brother?" He questioned with a smirk. "Yes Tom this is Derek Shepherd" Addison said as Derek stuck his hand out. "Wow prettiness runs in the family" Tom chuckled. "Mhm" Derek smiled still staring at the floor. "So Derek, have you met any famous surgeons like Harper Avery or Ellis Grey?" He questioned wanting to get to know the neurosurgeon. "Yeah I met Harper Avery and Ellis Grey. I spent a lot of time with Her daughter actually" Derek gave a fake smile trying to avoid the thought of Meredith running through his head. "Oh wow, I never got to meet her before she passed" Tom sighed. "Ellis?" Derek asked . "Yeah she was brilliant. I can't imagine her daughter not having her skill" Tom laughed. "She did have her skills. She was her own person but had her mothers skill" Derek smiled at that thought. Addison agreed with Derek. "Shep you should've brought her with you" He smiled. "I would've but" Derek stopped before he could say anymore. "But?" Tom wondered. "She was needed somewhere else" he sighed and played with his ring that was on his finger. "Wait you're married?" Tom asked. "Yeah" Derek smiled. "To who is she here?" He questioned. "Uh no. Actually Ellis daughter, Meredith, she's my wife. Or she was I guess. People say I need to get over losing her but I just can't. She's wasn't able to come because she passed" He sighed letting Tom know the situation. "Oh- I'm so sorry. I'm guessing you were trying to keep that low key so I won't talk about it or anything. But Derek you and me will be good friends I know it" Tom said standing up and patting Derek on the back and then walking out of the room. Derek got changed into regular clothes and drove to his mothers home. It was about 8pm but he wasn't hungry for dinner so he just went up to his room and slumped down on the bed. Pulling the covers on his and Merediths old bed and laying on her side of the bed he was able to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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