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Derek walked out to the car knowing his wife would be upset. He opened the door but didn't see his wife there. "Mer" he yelled. "Oh no" he said as he ran back into the hospital. Derek walked back up to OB but didn't see his wife there either. "Page Miranda Bailey 9-1-1 right now" he told a nurse. "Is there a reason we need a reason to page 9-1-1" the nurse replied "YES, one of her patients are missing now page her" he screamed. Bailey looked at her pager it said 9-1-1 Meredith Grey. She ran as fast as she could. "Derek what's wrong" she said. "Meredith she's missing somewhere in this hospital. We got bad news from the OB she was really upset she could be lying unconscious somewhere we need to find her" he said fighting back tears. "Ok Derek you check this floor I'll check the downstairs floor page 9-1-1 if you find her" Bailey replied. "Ok" he said. Derek searched the bathrooms and on call rooms. "Where is she" he said. Then he saw an on call room that he didn't check yet. He went to open the door but it was locked. He knocked and got no answer. "Hello" he screamed. Still no answer so he paged Bailey 9-1-1 hoping that his wife was behind that door. "Derek did you find her?" Bailey asked "I think she's behind this door it's locked and no one will answer when I knock or say anything" he said. "Ok I'll go get the key from the chief I will be right back" she said. "Ok" Derek sighed. Derek knew it was going to take Bailey a couple of minutes to get the key and he didn't want to wait because if his wife wasn't behind that door then she's somewhere else and he needed to know. He kicked down the door "Mer" he said out of breathe. He saw her laying on the ground "MEREDITH" he screamed as he paged Bailey 9-1-1. "Come one what is taking Bailey so long" he said. He picked up Meredith, She was really skinny so it was easy to pick her up, he then carried her to Richards office. "RICHARD" he screamed as he knocked on the door trying to stay as calm as possible. "What do you need-." Richard said as he opened the door and saw Derek carrying Meredith. "I NEED HELP NOW" Derek said as he started crying. "I NEED A GURNEY OVER HERE NOW" Richard screamed. Derek placed Meredith on the gurney. He kissed her head and then she was rushed off by Richard. "I need to find an on call room" Derek said slowly.

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