Thats her

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Derek knew he had to act fast. He pulled her out and saw her beat up stomach with cuts all over her body. He backed up walking in circles crying knowing this was his fault. He went down and started cpr as he took off his shirt and wrapped it around her biggest wound. He picked up her head and placed it on his lap hoping the ambulance got to them fast. That's when he heard sirens then saw flashing lights he was so relieved. The paramedics picked Meredith up and put her on a stretcher and then went on their way to Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital. When they arrived Richard was surprised to see Meredith laying on the stretcher. " Derek what the hell happened?" Richard said confused "I don't know I found her like this in the woods, Is she going to be ok? SHE HAS TO BE OK RICHARD SHE IS MY WORLD" Derek said as his voice was breaking. "Derek let us work we will save her" Richard said. Derek could tell the whole hospital was scared and worried for Meredith but they didn't want to show it for the sake of Derek. "I-did-this" he said quietly. He broke down to the ground holding his knees wanting to punch himself in the face a million times. Meredith must've only been unconscious for a couple of hours because they were able to get her heart rate back up Derek must've found her at a good time any longer she could've died. She needed surgery to repair a giant wound in her stomach and Mark was working on stitching up Merediths face so she could look as beautiful as she did before. "This will scar her forever— I'm never going to be able to look at her without thinking of this moment I put her through" Derek said as he was still sitting on the floor. Richard came to comfort Derek, " you may have lead her to leave the house that night but you are not the one who made her car loose control" he said. Derek looked up at Richard, "what If she passed out because she was upset with me or something, she passes out when she gets really upset" Derek said, "Derek it's ok" Richard said as he saw Dereks sad eyes.

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