Walk through Hell

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Derek woke up on a Saturday morning. The cool breeze swept his hair as it ran through the rainy sky. It's was 2 weeks after Meredith died and finally time for her funeral. Derek didn't know how to function without her but he wanted to stay strong. He got dressed into a black tux and combed his hair so it wasn't as messy as it has been. He looked down at his phone seeing many texts and missed calls from his family and friends saying that they are thinking about him and will see him and the funeral today. He grabbed his keys and some tissues tucking them in his pocket and leaving heading to the cemetery where they would burry his beloved wife. When he arrived he stepped out of his car feeling the slippery grass on the bottom of his shoes and heading over to where Bailey, Richard, Cristina and Alex were standing. No one knew what to say they all just smiled at each other and stared at their feet. Soon enough the Funeral started. There was a big screen that displayed pictures of Meredith with her friends and family and a video of when she applied to Seattle Grace hospital. It brought tears to everyone's eyes hearing her voice again. Merediths closest friends and family gave speeches. "Meredith Grey, she was like a forest fire. It was hard to get her to stop, it was hard to get her to give up. She didn't care what anyone else had to say. She was an extraordinary young woman and surgeon" Richard said as everyone clapped and wiped their eyes. Cristina gave a long speech and now it was Dereks turn. He knew he was going to breakdown on the stage. His mother and sisters were all there for support. "Meredith. She was the Love of my life, and I don't think I can ever move on. She was a gifted surgeon and an amazing wife. I wish I married her a long time ago so we could've had our lifetime. She's in a better place, with her sister Lexie Grey and Her mother Ellis Grey. I love her and always will. She brought a light that no one else can bring. Every time she smiled she lit up the room. Every time she giggled it made everyone else smile. Her eyes, don't even get me started I could look into those for days. The beautiful green, it suited her. I'm going to miss her and probably will never recover. But she will always be with us" Derek said and started sobbing along with everyone else. His mother and Amelia came up to the podium and grabbed his arms pulling him to the crowd as they waited for the funeral to be over. After it was over Carolyn told Derek that he should move to New York and be close to them. Derek agreed wanting to get away from the horrible Seattle memories. He was going to live in his mothers house until he bought a new house and he was going to get brand new furniture. He went home to pack his bag so he could fly home with his mom and sisters in the morning. He packed all his clothes in one suitcase and then took a backpack full of some of Merediths clothes, the post it with their vows, her pillow case and their blanket on their bed. He gave the house to Cristina and Alex and told them goodbye that resulted in a hug that usually wouldn't happen but after the events that has happened in the last month has brought everyone closer. Just without Meredith. Derek fell asleep on the couch until 4 am when he woke up and met his mother and sisters at the airport. "Are you ready to go?" Carolyn asked patting his shoulder. "No. I don't want to forget her she's- she was the one. The only one" He sobbed again. His mother gave him a long hug until they got called to board the plane. He took one last look outside the window viewing Seattle for the last time for a long time. He was going to try and start a new life. The people from Seattle still in his life including Meredith, but just not in Seattle.

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