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*1 year after George's death*
"I just don't understand why you kicked me out of the OR today I didn't do anything to you" Meredith complained. " Meredith you were unnecessary I didn't want you in there " Derek said angrily. "No you did it because I don't want kids right now I'm not dumb" She said loudly. " I'm upset that you don't want kids. Why wouldn't you want kids they are precious bundles of joy?" He questioned. " Derek kids could slow down or even end my career I'm a great surgeon I want to stay this way. Is that not ok?" Meredith pouted. "No" he said "No what?" She asked "No your not an amazing surgeon you aren't even an attending yet. I could see you not wanting to have kids as an attending but now? Really it's just annoying" Derek yelled. Derek looked and saw how upset those words made Meredith feel. He walked towards her going to apologize, but she backed away and walked out the door. " Meredith where are you going?" "It doesn't matter don't worry about me" Meredith said fighting back tears. "Meredith that is not what I meant" Derek said in regret. Then he heard the front door slam. He sat on the bed holding his head in regret.
*the next day*
Derek arrived at the hospital wondering where Meredith went last night. He walked to the residents locker room and didn't see her stuff in her locker "Have you seen Meredith?" He asked Cristina and Alex, "No" they said shaking their heads, "Is everything ok" Alex asked. "Yes" Derek said assuming that she over slept or took the day off.

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