Where is she (Part 1)

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*last night*
Meredith stormed out of the house in anger slamming the door behind her. Did he really just say that about her? She was amazing at what she did, she broke down crying in the car she felt sick to her stomach she didn't know where she should go. She figured she would go to the store and get some stuff then go sleep at the hospital. She walked around the store feeling lightheaded she felt like she was going to pass out how could Derek say something like he did. She just wanted to be alone so she grabbed some tequila and ice cream and walked to the cash register to pay. After she payed to walked to her car she drove out of the parking lot and headed to the hospital. On the way something happened her car slipped but she was ok so she kept driving...
Derek walked to the OR board and saw Merediths name on there. He was so confused, so he decided to go talk to Richard to see if Meredith called off and they forgot to take her name off the board. " Hey Richard have you seen or heard from Meredith?" Derek asked, "No I thought she was here she has 3 surgeries today she has to be here" Richard said surprised. He looked up at Dereks sad eyes, "Derek what happened?" He asked

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