Chapter 4

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He took the news better than I expected he would, I'm not even sure if we're ready for a baby.

Peeta just went to the bakery to get some of his new creation of cupcakes so I'm alone. I lift up my shirt to reveal my stomach, hardly swollen but still pregnant stomach. I rub my hands across it as if I'm rubbing my baby's back.

"Hey little one, daddy took the news better than I expecting him too, I think he's excited just like I am to see you, it's going to be perfect with you, everything will be so much better. Maybe grandma will come back home, maybe she will," I say to the little baby inside me.

I walk around the living room rubbing my stomach and talking to it, I hear the door open but just ignore it.

"You're childhoods going to be better than mine and your daddy's, you'll have food and you'll never be hungry, you'll have nice clean clothes every day to change into and you'll have two parents who love you very much," I take a breath before carrying on, "I hope you're a little girl and you look like your daddy, blonde hair and the cutest little face, all the boys will be after you, you'll have them lined up just to say 'hi'. Daddy's going to be so protective over you little one, I can't wait to see him react when you have your first boyfriend." I stop for a little while and walk over to the kitchen, still rubbing my stomach before continuing.

"I can't wait to see your first step, the joy it will bring me. I can't wait to see what your first word is, hopefully daddy. I can't wait to see your daddy's face when you walk into the room on your first day of school. I can't wait to see you little one, please don't be long."

I take a breath after speaking and pull my top down over my stomach and walk towards the stairs. That's when I notice him standing there.

"That was beautiful, Katniss," he says.

"You-you heard all that?" I reply.

"No, only some," he replies.

He walks over to me and kisses my lips softly, "I can't wait to see the disappointment your face when this little one squeezes in-between us in our bed." He says gently placing his hands on my stomach.

I blush slightly before kissing his lips again. When I pull away I pout a little.

He tugs on my chin to stop me from pouting.

"I guess we have to spend as much time snuggled up in bed together as we can until this little one comes along," I say. He looks at me and a smile is starting at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't think I needed an excuse to do that but I take it," he says laughing a little at his own words.

I press my body into his and hug him once again.

I whisper into his ear, "I'm so lucky to have you, Peeta."

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