Chapter 5

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A few hours go by; me and Peeta make some food and decide to cuddle up on the couch. I have my back against the arm of the couch and my legs crossed so I'm sat sideways. Peeta's head is in my lap as I play with his blonde locks. I lean back which causes my legs to twitch for a moment and as if out of instinct Peeta has jolted up from his lying down position, "Are you okay, Katniss?" I laugh at him.

"Of course, it was only a twitch!" I reply.

"Sorry, I just don't want you in pain, you know especially because you've got another person to look after too." He is the sweetest, honestly.

"Peeta, stop worrying, I'm fine!" I say reassuringly.

"I'm just making sure, that's all." He is so protective, and I know he's going to be a lot more now because of the baby but in a way I kind of love it. I love how he always makes sure I'm okay, it's all I could ask for.

"Peeta? I think we should visit Haymitch and Effie tomorrow, they came back from their holiday together early hours this morning and I want to make sure they're okay and I want to talk to Effie about the whole pregnancy thing if that's okay?" I say.

"Yeah, of course I think me and Haymitch can think of something to do, I mean I could tell him if you'd like?"

"Yeah, you can tell Haymitch and I can tell Effie, then I can maybe ring my mother?"

"Sounds perfect," he says before planting a kiss softly on my lips.

"Do you want to do anything? We could go out, maybe for food or something?" He says.

"Of course, I'll do whatever. It's your birthday after all," I reply.

Peeta gets up off the couch and pulls me up by my hands and leads me up the stairs to our bedroom. I walk in and collapse onto the bed burying my head in the pillow on Peeta's side of the bed. I feel him lift my legs and he sits down at the bottom of the bed and rests my legs over his legs. He runs his fingers up the back of my calves and behind my knees. I smile into the pillow before wriggling around at his touch.

I feel Peeta leave the bed and an instant sigh leaves my mouth. I roll over onto my back and sit myself up slightly so I can watch Peeta.

He looks over at me from the other side of the room and his face lights up with a beautiful, Peeta-like smile. I instantly bite my lip stopping myself from smiling back at him.

I jump up off the bed and run over to my wardrobe, swinging the doors open almost instantly. I search through my clothes for the white dress I wore the night Peeta asked me to marry him for real. I finally find it and I pull it out of the wardrobe and lay it down on the bed.


I pull the dress on over my head, pushing my arms through the holes made for my arms to go through. I pull the dress down over my body and smooth it down over my thighs. I look at myself in the mirror and see the little bump at my stomach. Wearing a skin tight dress is obviously going to show the little bump, but it's not big yet so no-one is going to assume anything, well I hope not anyways.

Peeta comes out from the bathroom, and I smile at him still looking in the mirror at my reflection. He comes up behind me and places his arms around my waist. His hands rest on my stomach. "Why can't he come soon?"

"He? Who said we were having a little Peeta?"

"It's just father's instinct, Katniss." I start to laugh a little, he really is happy about me having a baby, our baby.

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