Chapter 18

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9th April

38 Weeks Pregnant

2 Weeks till Baby


It's 11am and Peeta still hasn't got out of bed. He must be worn out from last night's encounter. My hormones have been raging these last few weeks and all I've wanted is the contact of Peeta's body on mine. I must have worn him out.

When 12 o'clock comes I hear his loud footsteps echo through the house, he's finally got himself out of bed.

I stand in front of the mirror we've recently bought for the living room. None of my clothes fit me anymore so I have Peeta's baggy shirt on and just my panties. I lift his shirt up and eye the huge bulging stomach I have. It doesn't look normal. The way my belly button turns out creeps me out that I can't look at my stomach for long.

I silently stand there and rub my hands over my stomach when the baby starts to fight with the insides of my stomach. Kicking and punching the surrounding it's in. We have a feisty little baby in there, a fighter.

I glance up in the mirror and see Peeta just staring at me from the bottom of the staircase, "See something you like?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, I see something I most certainly do like," he replies, also sarcastically. I feel my cheeks blush and get hot. "Oh, I wasn't talking about you of course, I was talking about me, my reflection you know," he says, winking slightly as he walks behind me. I let out a little giggle, I can't help myself.

I swivel around so I'm now facing him; I let his shirt flow down over my bump and to slightly cover my panties. I press my stomach into his and lean forward to place a soft kiss on his lip. I don't linger too long as the pressure on my stomach is too much, it feels as if I might pop and second now.

"Want anything from the bakery? I'm just going to see how my mother and father have settle back in you know," he says softly into my hair.

"Hm, I could do with some cheese buns and maybe some cupcakes with lots of icing on top, this little one..." I place my hands over my stomach, "Is in the mood for something sweet, so daddy better listen to mummy and get me some sweet stuff."

"Anything for you," he says before kissing my forehead. I smile at his small sign of affection for me, it's not much but it means so much, I'd honestly be lost without Peeta, my boy. My boy with the bread.

"How are your family anyways?" I ask as we walk to the sofa behind us. "Oh they're good, just settling in again. It just takes a little getting used to. I mean finding your son after a year or so and finding out his now Wide, Katniss Mellark is pregnant and at any time can have her baby is absolutely crazy!"

"Good, I'm glad. I thought I'd come with you to the bakery today. It's not that far a walk and I could do with some fresh air and I guess I have to speak to your dad about a few things and all,"

"Okay," he replies before kissing my forehead again.

We leave the house together; I have one of Peeta's coats on covering me because mine, I couldn't even get the zip to touch. We took off slowly at a pace I could wobbly along with comfortably. My arm linked in Peeta's for balance and to help me walk on my slightly swollen ankles.

We arrived at the bakery after about 15 minutes of walking, it usually takes us 5 but I'm pregnant and obviously slower than I used to be. Peeta's dad was standing over the oven putting two loafs of bread into it when we arrived, Peeta mom was cleaning around the front of the bakery while they were closed for lunch. They were surprised to see me, wasn't expecting a 38 weeks pregnant Katniss Mellark to walk through the bakery door.

Peeta's mom has really changed, she used to be so mean and horrible but she's seemed to have softened up. Maybe Peeta going into 2 hunger games changed her. Peeta's dad hasn't changed of course; he's still one of the kindest men you'll probably ever meet. And Peeta's brothers, Ben and Connor, we just as I remember them, big built, good looking, kind, charming, just like Peeta, but Peeta has something about him that's sets him different from his two brothers.

I spend until 4pm at the bakery with Peeta's brother Ben. Peeta, his mum, dad and his other brother, Connor, were moving the bakery furniture around to create more space out the back for when the baby comes to visit and needs a nap. They're so thoughtful.

At half past 4 Peeta's mother took me out baby supplies shopping, it took us twice as long as what it usually would but we got it done. We bought all sorts of different baby supplies; Baby wipes, bibs, baby grows, nappies, bottles and so on.

I finally arrived back home, mine and Peeta's house, around 8pm. Peeta's mother carried the shopping into the living room as I waddled to the kitchen to take a seat on the stool. I watched as Peeta rushed around the house placing different baby stuff in different places. He got so stressed about it; I couldn't help myself I just had to laugh at him.

That brings us to now. We're both led in bed together, Peeta is talking to the baby and I'm just relaxing. I feel as if I'm going to pop any moment now. I just hope this baby comes soon, I don't know if I can wait much longer.

"Daddy loves you, night my poppy," he whispers against the stretched skin of my stomach.

"Night, Angel," I say as I rub my hand over my stomach.

Peeta's lips meet my forehead and he whispers, in the same voice he used to talk to the baby, "I love you, goodnight, Katniss." I smile instantly at his words before replying, "I love you too, goodnight, Peeta," and with that we both fall into a soundless sleep.

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