Chapter 14

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14th December

22 Weeks Pregnant


"Good morning, mon amour," Peeta says softly into my ear. When he speaks French to me it makes me tingle, it sends signals all over my body to just love him more and more with each word he says. It can't be healthy for someone to have this much of an effect on you. Now I understand why my mother left me and Prim when my father died, her love must have been so strong that she couldn't even look her two daughters in the eye. Mostly me as I may as well had been my father's sister, we looked exactly alike but Prim on the other hand, she looked like my mother with her beautiful eyes and gorgeous blonde hair.

"Morning, Peeta," I say while rubbing my eyes.

"Pancake for breakfast?" he asks.

"No, I quite fancy a blueberry, banana and apple sandwich," I reply.

"Katniss, that's disgusting but okay."

"It's called cravings, you're lucky you don't have them." He rolls his eyes at me before kissing my forehead and then leaving our bedroom.

I lift Peeta's shirt up off my stomach and slowly move my hand over my pregnant stomach. It keeps getting bigger; it's scary to think there's another person growing in there. I smile at the thought of it. The baby starts to kick and I start to smile before screaming Peeta's name. He comes rushing up the stairs and into the bedroom to the point where he's bent over panting from running so fast.

"What, Katniss?"

"Come feel, the baby's kicking." He moves over to the side of the bed and places his hand where mine is and I guide his hand over the baby's kick. A huge smile spreads across his face which causes me to have the biggest grin.

"Big kicks for daddy, the baby loves you so much already," I whisper.

"It's such a wonderful thing, thank you so much," he whispers back.

"For what?"

"Keeping the baby, starting a family with me." I just smile at him. I link my fingers between his and rub them over my stomach once before pulling my shirt back down.

"About a family, I think we should make you a Mellark before baby Mellark comes along, we can be a proper family then, the three of us." I smile at his suggestion.

"So you want me to marry you before the baby's born?"

"Yes, I do. Right now right here, I don't care. As long as you're mine forever I wouldn't care where or when we got married. I just need the promise that you're mine forever."

"I'm yours forever, Peeta. There's no one else for me."

"Then marry me, soon."

"Don't you think we're rushing into things? Having a baby and getting marr-"

"I've waited since I was five for you to be mine and to have my child so no, we're not rushing into things," I laugh slightly at his response but I know he's being serious.


"What did you say?" He asks.

"I said okay, let's do it."


"Yes, Peeta. Really."

"Oh thank you, Katniss. Thank you so much!" I blush slightly and I don't know why.

"We need to get it organise and you a dress that fits over the little one and then who we're going to invite oh it's going to be wonderful I can't wait!" He almost screams.

"Peeta, you're sounding more like Effie than yourself, I'll ring her later and organise for her to come over and talk to us about it."

"I'll ring her now!" He squeals.

"Peeta you're like a child," I say before bursting into a pool of laughter.

I push his shoulder lightly but I wish I didn't because he climbed on top of me pinning me down by my hips and is kissing my neck.

"Peeetaaaaaaaa," I moan. He knows exactly what he's doing, but I'm pregnant so tough luck. He doesn't stop, he just keeps kissing my neck, I don't think there's a space where he hasn't smothered in kisses yet. I decide to just give into him because I can't buck him off as he's too heavy and I don't have much strength in my torso for obvious reasons.

Before I know it, his shirt that I was wearing is on the floor and so are his pyjama bottoms he was wearing. This leaves me in just my panties because wearing a bra to bed is just too uncomfortable and him in his pants. I just laugh at him when he breaks away from a kiss. He strikes me cheek before leaving a kiss there too.

We roll over so I'm straddling him instead, more convenient I guess. I lean down and kiss him again, this kiss not being passionate but just a simply kiss telling him I love him.

We roll back over so I'm underneath again, it just wasn't working with me on top, I couldn't take him seriously all lead out beneath me. I can't really remember how we did this before, we were both drunk.

I slide his pants down with my feet as he pulls my panties down slowly. I hook my legs behind him, I don't know what I'm doing but it seems right. He enters me and I let a huge moan escape my lips as I arch my back slightly. It takes a while for me to get used to him but as soon as I am he starts moving, and by Lord does it feel good. More moans escape my lips and a few from his, does he have to be this irresistible.


That was an eventful morning, wasn't expecting to wake up like that. I took a shower and Peeta make me a blueberry, banana and apple sandwich and it was delicious. I can't stop staring at his ass though; these hormones are seriously driving me so crazy.

Peeta scheduled Effie to come around later today to talk about wedding plans. He really does want me to be with him forever, and I'll make sure I'm with him for how long our forever is, I don't think I can be without him.

We spend most of the day on the couch just talking about the wedding and the baby and occasionally talking to the baby when it started to kick. It was a good day, just me and Peeta talking and being us the way we know best.

I lye across the couch with my head in Peeta's lap with his fingers running through my hand and occasionally over my forehead and to poke my nose, that's when someone starts to knock the door. I don't want to get up I'm too comfortable so I just shout, "Doors open, come in." And they do and they close the door behind them. It's Effie.

She sits on the couch opposite us putting all of her books and pens onto the coffee table. I roll my eyes slightly, just like Effie to go over the top with the wedding planning supplies.

I don't move my head from Peeta lap and he doesn't stop running his fingers through my hair. Usually I would be bothered about people seeing us like this, it's personal but I don't care. Pregnancy is having a weird effect on the way my mind and body does things and reacts to stuff, I'm not sure if I like it.

"It's going to take about 8 weeks for us to plan this and give everyone notice and to find a date and make everything fabulous," Effie babbles on.

"Couldn't you make it any shorter? I mean I don't want Katniss standing for too long at 31 weeks pregnant," Peeta replies.

"8 weeks is the shortest we can do, but don't worry we'll get her a chair that she can sit on at all times and everything will be okay,"

"I'm pregnant, I can stand up you know," I say.

They both roll their eyes at me. So it's final, me and Peeta will get married in 8 weeks.

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