Chapter 2

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"You love me real or not real, Katniss?" I tell him, "Real."

Peeta looks as if his heart has just stopped; he is the one who is speechless now. I never knew I had the ability to leave him speechless. Of course I know I have the ability of other things with him but never silencing the man of words himself.

I smile happily at him and he moves towards me, wrapping his arms around my small frame, enveloping me into his arms, the place I feel the safest.

He releases me from his arms and kisses me softly on my mouth. He pulls away and looks straight into my eyes and smiles that wonderful smile of his.

"Oh Katniss, I love you," he says. His voice is so meaningful and truthful. I close the space between us and kiss him softly again. He hasn't been as intimate as we used to be since I left him the day after Effie and Haymitch's wedding.

It's been 3 months since we came back together, 3 months and a few days since that night.

It's Peeta's birthday tomorrow and I have a little present for him, he knows nothing about it and I love the secrecy I have over it. He deserves the world, and that's what I'm willing to give to him.


We make our way up the stairs to our bedroom, I slip away into the bathroom and get changed into my pyjama shorts and one of Peeta's tops. I brush my teeth and walk back out into the bedroom where Peeta is already lying in bed. He's topless and has his pyjama bottoms on.

I walk over to the bed and throw myself on to it. I kiss his lips and pull away to snuggle down into his chest. He kisses my forehead and whispers goodnight into my ear and I drift off into a peaceful night's sleep.


I wake up earlier than Peeta today. It's his birthday. I climb out of bed and run to the bathroom. I get into the shower and take my time so I'm relaxed. I wash my hair and my body and stay standing there for a few minutes just thinking. I quickly hop out and wrap a towel around my body before walking out into the bedroom.

Peeta's sat up in bed just staring at me. "Well what a lovely sight to wake up to," he says chuckling to himself. I start to laugh at him.

I pick up my clothes and hurry back to the bathroom to get changed.

Once I'm changed I walk back out to the bedroom again and I see Peeta is standing up waiting to go into the bathroom. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me giving him a kiss to his lips. "Happy birthday," I say before I kiss him again. His hands squeeze my sides and he smiles at me kissing my forehead, "Thank you," he replies.

Once Peeta is finished in the bathroom he walks out and I grab a hold of his hands and pull him out of the bedroom door and down the stairs. I make him sit on the chair to the table while I make breakfast for him considering it's his birthday.

I make my way over to the cooker and start on our breakfast. I attempt to flip the pancakes but I fail so I just go back to flipping it with a spatula. I put the pancake on my plate and make another for Peeta. I pop his pancake onto his plate and slowly walk over to the table. I place the plate in front of him and I put mine down on the table mat next to his and take a seat. We eat in a comfortable silence, exchanging a few grins every now and again.

"Why thank you Katniss," Peeta says just as he's finishing his pancake. I smile at him before replying, "You're welcome."

Once he's finished I pull him up out of the chair by his hands and slowly make my way towards the living room.

"I have a present for you, close your eyes," I say.

"Oh Katniss, you shouldn't-"

"Shush," I say cutting him off.

I make sure his eyes are closed before moving his hands around me. I walk into his arms backwards so he has his arms wrapped around me with his hands resting on my stomach.

"You ready?" I say.

"More than ever," he replies.

I move my head closer to his ear, holding his hands on my stomach.

"Peeta, I'm pregnant."

After the Rebellion | Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now