Chapter 10

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We arrive at the hospital, for real this time not in a nightmare. Peeta holds onto my hand like it's his life line and I'm the only thing he has left, which is partly true.

We walk to the reception and tell them that we're here for an appointment with the midwife; they nod and tell us to take a seat in the waiting room. So we do.

We sit down, our fingers still laced between each other's like two teenagers on their first date.

"Excited?" Peeta asks.

"More than I ever will be," I squeal. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze; he looks more scared than I am.

"Miss Everdeen, room 8," the receptionist calls from behind her desk. We both stand up and I feel his hand slightly shaking in mine. I squeeze it again for him to know everything's going to be okay.

I let go of Peeta's hand and walk into room 8, he follows behind me of course.

"Miss Everdeen, how can I help?" The midwife says, looking over the tops of her glasses.

"Here for the 4 month baby scan," I reply.

"Okay," she says before writing something's down on her clipboard.

"My names Diana, I'll be your midwife hopefully for the rest of your pregnancy, if you would like to lay down on the bed and answer some questions before we get started."

"Yeah, okay."

I walk over to the bed and lift myself on to it. I look over at Peeta and smile at him, he looks so lost, so scared. I ignore these thoughts and look towards Diana. She doesn't look that old, maybe in her twenties or early thirties, still young for a midwife.

"Right okay, Katniss. Are you experiencing any pain anywhere?"

"No, not at all, should I?"

"That's all good, well every woman's different but we just need to know these things so we can chart up all your data for you," she says smiling at me.

"How is your medical history? Anything I should be concerned about health wise?" She ask.

"No, not that I know of, apart from the obvious stress from the past and all," I say.

"What about you, Peeta? any medical problems? Health problems?" I can see Peeta shift in his seat slightly and he looks uncomfortable to say the least.

"Well you have my medical records, I'm not sure anything about the hijacking stuff with effect any of this stuff, will it?" He asks nervously.

"We hope not, but we have to write it all down so if anything goes wrong in Katniss' pregnancy we can try and sort it out faster and provide her with the right amount of things she may need," she says softly.

"Right, Katniss. I'm going to have you to do some blood tests and a urine sample, but we'll start off with the blood tests, did you eat breakfast this morning?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Okay, no worries."

She stands up from her chair and she walks over to the cabinet containing all sorts of needles and equipment. She gets what she needs and walks back over to her desk. She does the blood test quickly on me so I don't notice it really.

"Lovely, now I'm going to have to ask you to do a urine sample. You know what to do, the toilets are down the hall on the left," She says. I smile at her before taking the little cup.

I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I take a deep breath in and look at myself again. I do the urine sample and walk back to room 8 where Peeta and Diana are waiting for me.

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