Chapter 3

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"Peeta, I'm pregnant," Katniss says.

Her words take me by surprise. I stand there speechless. What do I say? I'm a man who's good with words and she's left me with nothing to say.

She touches my arm and it brings me back to reality. Her eyes search my face for a look or feeling that I may be happy but I show nothing.

She's actually pregnant. Is she carrying my baby? Of course she is... I mean I hope so? But I don't remember that night the only thing I remember is that she left me the day after, this baby sure isn't called for.

"Y-you're pregnant?" I say a tone of worry in my voice. Her hands rub up my arms before she parts her lips and almost whispers a response, "Peeta, I'm sorry-" she says before I cut her off. "This is wonderful, Katniss!" I say.

I drop to my knees and kiss her stomach where my, our baby is and I whisper against her stomach, "Hey little one, it's daddy." I rise to my feet again and take Katniss' face in both my hands and kiss her lips softly.

"How far along are you?" I ask.

"Three months and a few days," she replies.

"Oh Katniss, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was scared Peeta, so scared."


"I don't know, I just was, I mean it's been three months and a few days.. How was I meant to just blow this upon you?" Her eyes start to fill with tears at her words.

"Oh Katniss, don't cry."

I kiss her lips again and pull her into a hug, "You're not very big for three months are you?" I say pulling her out of a hug and examining her stomach.

"No, but you can kind of see a little bump forming," she says as she lifts her top up and turns to the side to reveal a little bump. She turns back towards me and places her hands over her stomach. She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back at her and lean in and kiss her forehead. She pulls her top back down over her stomach.

I can't believe it. Katniss is pregnant, my Katniss is pregnant!

"What an amazing birthday present!" I say enthusiastically, "But you know what would make is so much better?" I say the enthusiastic tone still on my tongue.

"What?" She says.

I drop to my knees again and pull out her old engagement ring, "If you would accept this back and be my wonderful fiancé and bride to be... Will you marry me Katniss? Again," I say, chuckling a little on the 'again' bit.

Her face looks so speechless, "We'd like that very much," she says holding her hand out for me to place the ring over her ring finger. "We'd?" I ask.

"Yes, me and our baby," she replies.

I stand back to my feet and kiss her lips again. My hands move to her stomach, rubbing small circles onto her little bump. 'Our baby'. I pull away from the kiss and smile at her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "You are so beautiful, Katniss."

Her cheeks go a light shade of red and her eyes start to well up with tears. "Oh Katniss, don't cry." I say rubbing the tear that's falling down her cheeks away with my thumb.

"Sorry, hormones," She says. I start to laugh a little.

I've finally got Katniss, my Katniss, back. This couldn't get any better she makes me the happiest man alive just being present in the same room as me, let alone being engaged to me and carrying my baby.

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