Chapter 13

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20 Weeks Pregnant


I wake up in a white room filled with beeping machines. I open my eyes and look down onto my body and see a variety of different tubes and wires attaching my body to the machines around the room. I start to panic. Where am I? Why am I in a white room hooked up to so many machines? That's when my mind catches on, someone must of found me passed out on the couch and either brought me here or rung someone to bring me here. I wonder who.

I hold my breath for a second to let myself think about what's happening and the beeping starts to get louder. A woman wearing all white and a hair net bursts through the door and screeches, "She's not breathing!" My eyes dart open and I breath again. I recognise the voice but I don't know where from. She comes to the side of my bed and places her hand over where my baby bump should be and I just look at her. She acknowledges me looking at her before speaking, "You're awake, miss Everdeen."

"Yes," I reply.

"I'm... I'm your nurse for the time being okay." That's when I realise who it is, it's my mother.


"Yes, it's me, Katniss."

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I-I should have, I know."

"It's okay, Katniss, it's okay."

"Where am I and why am I here?"

"You're at the hospital because we got a call to say you were passed out unconscious on your couch and they informed us that you were pregnant, so we brought you here to do tests and make sure everything's okay with you and the baby that's all." My hand moves to my stomach and I rub my fingers over it lightly.

"It seems to be you were intoxicated with a lot of liquor which brought a high risk to your health and the baby's health also." I shake my head and try to control the tears that are running down my cheeks. It's like a marathon which one will fall off first.

"Is- is my ba-aby okay?"

"As far as we know yes, your baby is fine and is healthy but you can't do that again. You put yourself and your baby at risk, you almost lost it. If we didn't get you here when we did then the baby wouldn't have survived. We managed to drain some of the liquor from your body through these tubes," she points at the tubes that I think are leading to my kidneys, "They're still being drained slightly and we have more tubes feeding water and food into your system it's all okay, you and my grand-child are healthy." I smile at her words. She really does want to be a part of mine and Peeta's baby's life.

I think to myself, where's Peeta? I look around the hospital room to try and catch the gorgeous blue eyes of my fiancé but he's not there, no-ones there apart from my mother, the woman who abandoned me and didn't bother to contact me for months.

I take a deep shaky breath, but it's not only my breath that's shaky, I realise it's my whole body. I raise my hand up to my face to wipe away the tears that are starting to fall, but I can't do it, I'm so disappointed in myself for drinking so much liquor.

"Is Peeta coming?" I ask nervously.

"We don't know where he is to contact him, but as soon as we find out where he is I'm sure he will be here with you," my mother replies.

"He's in the Capitol, doing an interview with Caesar."

"He was, the interview ended yesterday."

"He should be on his way home then?"

"We don't know, Katniss dear."

"Do you have any idea when he left?"

"Nope, we've contacted Caesar and he said that as soon as the interview was over he needed to rush off and get home to his pregnant fiancé before she went to sleep." I blush at the thought of Peeta telling Caesar that.

"He should be home, why isn't he home?"

"We don't know, Katniss."

"We should know, he's my fiancé, the father to the child inside of me, WE SHOULD KNOW WHERE HE IS." I start to scream.

The beeping noises start to get louder and more frequent and I start to panic more at the sound which only makes the noise rise and the beeping more frequent.

"Katniss, calm down, this isn't good for the baby," my mother says calmly.

"What isn't good for the baby is that we can't find it's father when we should be able to." I start crying uncontrollably, so bad I don't realise the nurses injecting something into my arm.

*5 hours later*

I wake up, I don't remember falling asleep but I don't mention it. I turn to the window and see Peeta running his hands through his already messy hair. He's talking to my mother about something serious or about the baby I'm guessing. I see my mothers eyes catch mine and she shows a small smile to me and Peeta turns around and our eyes lock and he runs to the door, opening it and running to my bed side almost immediately.

"Oh, Katniss. Please tell me you're okay, please tell me our baby is okay, please just tell me," he cries into my hand that I didn't realise he was clutching onto.

"I'm fine and so is our baby," I reassure him.

"They wouldn't let me into see you, I would've been here sooner, Katniss. I'm so sorry."

"Peeta, calm down. It's okay, look at me." He lifts his head up and I see his tear stained cheeks clearly and wipe away the tear that's currently making it's way down his face. "It's okay, I promise," I say soothingly.

"What even happened, they wouldn't tell me anything at all. They didn't believe I was the father." Wow. That hurt.

"I was watching your interview with Caesar and after you told him I was pregnant, I completely freaked out. I was consumed with terror and I had no idea what was going on. We didn't agree to tell the whole of Panem and the Capitol, we hadn't even told my mother so I got upset and drunk myself into a state where I passed out and they had to bring me to hospital." I feel Peeta's hand shaking and I hang onto it harder, "It's okay now, I'm okay, the babies okay I promise." I lift his hand up to my mouth shakily and place a kiss on the back of it before setting it back down again.

"Oh, Katniss I'm so sorry," He sobs into my arm. I move my free hand to his hair and start running them through his hair slowly and soothingly. This always calms me down and makes me feel better when he does this to me so hopefully it works for him as well.

"Come here, don't cry," I say. He lifts his head up to look at me and I wriggly my hand from his and move my other hand from his hair, I place both my hands on his cheeks and pull his face to mine for a soft, loving kiss. I pull away and smile at him.

I lift my hospital gown up over my bump and place his hands on there, I see his eyes light up as he bends down and kisses the stretched skin. He whispers something to the baby that I can only just hear, "I love you, little one." which makes me giggle slightly and the vibrations caused by Peeta's voice.

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