Chapter 7

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One month later


I awaken from my beautiful night sleep. I turn my head to the right side and see Peeta lying there. He looks so young and carefree when he's sleeping; the way his face looks is utterly perfect. I look over to the clock on the bed side table and it reads 7am, this is late for me.

I push myself up so I'm sitting up; Peeta moves slightly and wriggles closer to my side. I kiss his forehead lightly and his eyes flutter open almost instantly. He joins me sitting up and pulls the blanket up over us as well.

"Good morning, Katniss," he says in the most attractive morning voice there ever is, God his morning voice is so sexy. I reply with a kiss to the corner of his mouth and I feel his lips move to a smile instantly.

"What a pleasant surprise off you this morning, you're usually grouchy and moody and don't want to be touched," Peeta says with a tone of sarcasm in his voice

"There's a first for everything ok," I reply. He rolls his eyes and I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling like a complete idiot.

He moves the blanket down so it rests covering from our groins down. His hand goes to his shirt that I'm wearing and he lifts it up to reveal my little bump. He leans over and plants a soft kiss on my exposed bump. "And how is daddy's little man this morning?" He whispers against the bare skin of my stomach. I giggle slightly as the vibrations caused on my skin from his mouth. "I'm telling you it's a she," I reply running my fingers through his mop of blonde hair on his head.

"Mummy's wrong, you're a little man," he whispers against my stomach again.

"She won't be happy with you calling her a boy," I reply.

"Tell mummy to be quiet and listen to daddy." He kisses my stomach again before pulling his shirt back down over it. His mouth is replaced with his hand as he rubs over my stomach in small circular motions.

An automatic smile is spread across my face, when did get so lucky? My thoughts makes me smile a little wider, I think Peeta notices because he's looking at me like I'm a teenager that just got caught sneaking around with her boyfriend.

"Sleep well?" He asks.

"Perfectly actually, I dreamt of our baby," I reply softly.

"What did you dream?"

"I dreamt that it was a girl and we took her to the bakery for the first time and she couldn't keep her eyes off you, watching you knead the dough with your hands, watching you put things in the oven, her eyes were just fixed on you, fascinated by every move you made."

He kisses the side of my head softly, "I'm glad, I'll have more than one girl fascinated by the things I do," he says with a smirk creeping onto his face.

"She's lucky to be having an utterly drop-dead gorgeous, blonde haired baker as a father, I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off you," I say winking.

"You wouldn't be able to keep your eyes off me, or you already can't?" A smile creeps onto his face and we both start to laugh.

I push the blankets off me and I swing my legs around to the side of the bed and climb out. I pull at the bottom of the shirt so it covers the tops of my legs. I turn around and Peeta's already out of bed, pulling his shirt off.

I walk to the bathroom and switch the shower on and take a short relaxing shower.

I get out the shower and wrap a towel around my naked body before walking back into the bedroom.

I walk over to the drawers and pull out some underwear and a bra, I toss them on to the bed and move to the wardrobe to find something comfortable to wear but I don't succeed.

"Peeta," I say dragging out the 'a', almost like I'm begging.

"Yes, Katniss?" He says. I walk over to him, still holding the towel up over my body.

"Could I maybe wear one of these," I say pointing to one of his white shirts.

"Help yourself," he says kissing my forehead lightly.

I rush over to the bed and let the towel drop to the floor at my feet. I pull on my underwear and I clasp the back of my bra and adjust it so it sits comfortably. I walk over to the full length mirror in the corner of the room and just stare at my constantly changing body.

I bring my hands up to rest over my little bump that's going to get so much bigger as the days go on. Peeta comes up behind me and places his hands over mine and his head on my shoulder. "Isn't it weird that there's a baby in here and in 5 months it's going to be in this house, with us, cuddled between us in bed and taking over the house with its little toys and clothes and equipment," I say.

"Yes, but if it's cuddled between us in bed it better not take my time cuddled up to you away. I enjoy that," he replies. A little chuckle leaves my mouth as I turn around to face him.

I move my arms to around his neck and he moves his hands so they're resting on the small of my naked back. I lean forward, closing the space between our lips and I kiss him, this kiss is filled with love and passion, I feel the hunger I felt in the kiss on the beach in the quarter quell. I push my body closer to his, my pregnant stomach pressed against his stomach. We both pull away and our breathing has increased slightly.

"No matter how many children we ever had, even if we had 7, it would not take my time with you away from me." I reply as I kiss his lips again briefly.


"I promise."

I don't want 7 children, no way. I didn't want any children but this one was a mis- Wait no it wasn't, it was unplanned but that doesn't mean I won't love my child to the end of the earth, no matter what. I know Peeta is happy about it, he's always wanted children, he grew up in a wealthy enough family to afford the essentials. He had two older brothers, Rye and Ben. He looked up to his two older brothers and I still mean to ask him that one question that's always on my mind.

"Peeta?" I say softly.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You know I volunteered for Prim, why didn't Ben or Rye volunteer for you?" I see his face drop; he didn't think I'd ask him a question about his family because I never have.

"We had a deal in my family, if one of us was reaped then the others are not allowed to volunteer and even if they could I don't think they would have."

"Why, Peeta?"

"Because you volunteered for Prim, they knew I was head over heels in love with you." I blush slightly at his response before I fix my lips to his and kiss him softly.

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