Chapter 8

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I woke up before Peeta today, I would have stayed in bed and waited until he woke up but I couldn't get comfortable and I didn't want to wake him, I wake him up enough when I have nightmares and scream the house down.

I sway my way around the kitchen collecting all the ingredients I need to make Peeta breakfast in bed.

It's Father's Day so I'm making him breakfast in bed from the little bump.

I lay out all of the ingredients on the counter top. I crack two eggs into a bowl and I start to beat them with a fork. I add half a cup of flour just like Peeta had showed me into the bowl with the eggs and I start to mix them together. I start to slowly add the milk and the other ingredients into the bowl and I start to mix until it looks thick and creamy, I wiggle my body in time with my hand that is stirring and a few chuckles leave my mouth.

I pour the pancake mix into a frying pan and move the pan around so the mix gets an even thickness the whole way around, Peeta is sure teaching me better techniques to use that just throwing things into the frying pan and hoping they will come together and cook. I flip the pancake over and let the other side cook. I place the pancake on a plate and I cook another. I cook the bacon and I put the blueberries into a little pot.

"Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen," Peeta says. I turn around and look at him, his hair is a mess and he's topless.

"Get back upstairs, Mellark."

"Hm, why should I, Everdeen?"

"Because I just told you to, now go!"

He hurries back up the stairs and I laugh a little.

I place the pancakes on a plate and the bacon besides them, I put the bowl of blueberries on the side of the tray and I get the one glass of orange juice and one glass of water and put them on the tray as well.

I carry the tray upstairs and swing the door to our bedroom open to find him sitting up in bed with the covers pulled up to his stomach. I close the door with my foot and slowly climb onto the bed, placing the breakfast on his lap taking my glass of water of the tray.

I kiss his cheek and whisper, "Happy father's day, daddy."

His face automatically lights up and a smile is played on his lips. "Why thank you little one," He says before lifting his shirt up off my stomach and kisses the forming bump. I smile at him, then crawl into the bed next to him.

"The blueberries are for me by the way," I say as I pick up two blueberries and pop them into my mouth.

We're distracted by two people bursting through our bedroom door. "Just look at the two of you, so cute absolutely-" Effie says before getting cut off by Haymitch.


"Yes, exactly!"

Me and Peeta look at each other and sigh, "You should really learn how to knock," I say.

"And you should learn how to lock your front door, sweetheart." Haymitch replies sarcastically.

"Up, up, up! Big day ahead, Katniss!" Effie says excitingly. I instantly roll my eyes at her.

"How was the honey moon?" I ask.

"It was fabulous!! Whoever knew district 4 was truly the most beautiful district there is!" Effie says before she claps her hand. Of course, we haven't seen Effie and Haymitch since they were whisked away on their honey moon, we've been too busy distracted by each other.

I kiss Peeta on the cheek before I swing my legs around to the side of the bed; I lift myself up and walk over to the drawers.

"Look at you Katniss!" Effie says. I turn around and just look at her, puzzled. I look at Peeta for a clue to what she's talking about.

Haymitch's mouth drops open and Peeta chuckles slightly. I feel like I'm a piece of art and they're all looking at me, intrigued by the way I look. I soon catch on a look down at my stomach, which seems to be catching all of their attention.

"We were gone for a few months and you got the girl knocked-up?" Haymitch says.

"Haymitch!" Effie scolds him. I just shrug in response and look towards Peeta waiting for him to explain, but he doesn't say a word.

"Katniss, darling, how far gone are you?" Effie says softly.

"Four months," I speak.

"Oh, Katniss that's wonderful!"

I pull Peeta's shirt up over my stomach to reveal the slowly forming baby bump. "Come and feel," I say. Effie automatically hurries her way towards me and places her small hands over my bump just like a small child would do. I look towards Peeta to see him with his eyes locked on Effie as she moves her hands around my stomach, whispering things to it that I can't quite catch.

"Well we came here to tell you some news but now looks like your news tops ours," Haymitch says looking towards Effie who is still mesmerised by my stomach.

Peeta stands up from the bed and walks towards Haymitch and puts his hand on his shoulder and whispers something into his ear and he nods. I look at him confused but he just smiles at me in response.

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