Chapter 16

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19th February

31 Weeks Pregnant

9 Weeks till Baby



I woke up at half past five from an extreme battle of kick mummy's stomach from the baby. I gave up trying to sleep after I was woken; I had to be up at 6 am anyways to get ready for mine and Peeta's wedding. I have no idea why Effie wanted me to get up this early, the wedding isn't until 12 and it won't take me six hours to get ready or for any of the bridesmaids to get ready either.

Last night was one of the worst night's sleeps I've ever had, it was filled with nightmares. Children having no families, Peeta being hijacked and Prim. Prim's death replaying through them all. I woke up screaming each time, with no one to comfort me, no arms to protect me from the nightmares, no lips to kiss away the pain. Just me. Alone.

It's ten forty-five and I'm currently being remade from Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire to Katniss soon to be mummy of a child and a wife of a baker. When they finally finish applying all different products of make-up to my face and all different lotions to my hands, and whatever they've done to my hair it's eleven thirty. I'm only thirty minutes away from seeing the man I love, the father of my baby and the soon to be husband. The thought of it sent me off track and I had to be pinched slightly on the arm to be brought back into reality.

It took 4 people to help me get my dress on and to make it sit right on my bump. It made my stomach look bigger than I've ever seen it before; anyone would swear I was having twins, triplets even.

My bridesmaids; Joanna, Annie, and Effie look beautiful in their sunset orange dresses, flowing straight down to their feet with a small slit going up the one side. Annie picked them. She wouldn't let Effie make her up into some erotic Capitol style dress, and she knew Joanna would appreciate her choosing. If Joanna had chosen what they were going to wear they would all turn up naked, oiling their breasts like she was in the training room of the quarter quell. Peeta tried to persuade me to ask Delly to be a bridesmaid but I openly refused the offer, not with the history they have together.

My mother is also dressed in a sunset orange dress but she isn't one of my bridesmaids, she's going to be walking me down the aisle with Haymitch. I didn't want it to just be one of them, they've both done so much for me so it's the least I could do for the both of them.

Effie's 4 months pregnant now so you can see the bump forming and growing rapidly. The dress really shows off her figure and the little baby bump. Who would have known there would be two pregnant main ladies at this wedding?

My wedding shoes are just flat, open toe shoes. I was informed by Effie that from my lack of balance on heels it wouldn't be a smart idea to put a 31 week pregnant woman with my experience of heels in heels on her wedding day when she can hardly walk as it is. Effie is wearing slightly smaller heels than she's used to as well must have been Haymitch's instructions as she never would have listened to me.



I didn't get an inch of sleep last night; I couldn't get Katniss out of my mine. Spending alight without her affected me more than I knew it would. I had realised I couldn't live without her, but for one night it was ridiculous. The way I felt towards her was overwhelming. I wonder how she slept, how she is, how the baby is.

It's currently ten twenty and I've been informed to be in the meadow at eleven forty five as I've been told that Katniss is eager to see me and won't be a second late for the ceremony.

I'm dressed in my tux, the one that Katniss picked out. She has a good style because I love it, it's really different than what I'd expected her to pick out.

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