The Mortal Cup

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We spent the first couple of hours back locked in Alec's room, having a little fun and blowing off some steam. Alec and I walked hand and hand past Izzy who smirked at us and said "Slept at Magnus' place?" Alec said "Didn't do much sleeping. We were helping treat Luke's wounds. That's all." Izzy said "Really?" Alec said "What?" Izzy said "Nothing. I believe you." Alec said "Okay, Magnus made cocktails. I'm telling you, nothing else happened." I said "Trust me Izzy, nothing happened at Magnus', Alec's room is a whole other story." Izzy said "Im waiting to hear all about it Tess. Alec when you're ready to talk about whatever you need to talk about, I'm here."

Alec said "Hey, I talk to you." Izzy said "About everything but your personal life. You know, and it's kind of not fair, because I talk to you about mine all the time. For example, I broke up with Meliorn." Alec said "Really? Turning over a new leaf?" I said "You ok Iz?" she said "Yeah, he was a bit much. Apparently, I need someone more Shadowhunter-ish." Alec said "Izzy, I realize that you're trying to take some of the family heat, and I appreciate it, but you can't change who you are." Izzy said "Really? And you can?" Alec released my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against his chest and said "I know who I am. I'm a guy who's madly in love with this amazing woman in my arms, who is about to be disowned when Dad finds out that Jace and Clary are still out doing God knows what." I couldn't help but grin up at him making him place a chaste kiss on my lips Izzy said "I think Dad's used to that by now. This is Jace you're talking about."

Alec said "He said he'd be an hour. It's been three." Izzy said "You don't think he and Clary are..." I giggled as Alec said "At a time like this? Not possible." Alec got a text and said "Girls we gotta go help Jace and Clary at the station." We took off to the police station and when we arrived Izzy said "Someone called for backup?" Jace said "Yeah. What took you guys so long?" Alec said "Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Jace said "It's complicated." Clary said "We found the Cup." I said "The Cup? Where?" Clary said "Yeah, but then we lost it. We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it." Alec said "This is a disaster." Jace said "Hey, demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan. That's all." I said "Demon what now?" Izzy said "Tell you later, What about a glamour?"

Jace said "We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it." Clary said "Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Alec said "No." Izzy said "That'd be awkward. Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before." Clary's phone rang so she said "Not again. Just give me a second."

C-Simon, this is really not a good time.

S- Clary, where are you and Tess? This is an emergency.

C-Simon, are you okay?

S-I'm not sure. I haven't been kidnapped yet today.

T- Well then thats a bonus

C-Simon, seriously, what's going on?

S-Not funny Tess I think I'm sick. Like, really sick.

C-Simon, remember that time you thought you had the bird flu? Okay, just stay off the internet and you'll be fine.

S-Yeah, yeah, I know. But this time it's different.

T-Its always different Si.

S-This time I'm really—

Jace hung up Clary's phone "Simon's little problem can wait. I've got a great plan." Clary said "Oh, there's a first." Jace laughed sarcastically "Just follow my lead. Oh, and don't worry, in my plan, no one gets slapped." Jace and Clary were to go up to the vault while Alec, Izzy, and I were the distraction. Alec drew a Nyx rune on my shoulder then said Alec said "Okay, I'm guessing you're the distraction?" Izzy said "Nope. I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me. Besides, I don't think I'm her type." Alec said "Oh, crap." I groaned "I already hate this." Izzy said "Don't worry, it's good practice." Alec said "Huh?" Izzy said "You know, for getting Tess in bed?" I blushed as she unbuttoned one of Alec's buttons.

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