Helping Clary

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We were in the training room quickly packing what we need. Jace said "Might wanna pick up the pace." Izzy said "You do not wanna be on either of our bad sides right now." Jace said "Are you two gonna be okay?" I said "One day I will be Jace, I'm just heartbroken and pissed he promised me he would fight for us and turned around and got engaged. Now I'm sick and I don't know what's wrong but if what Izzy thinks it is then I am royally screwed." Izzy said "The whole world is turning upside down. Simon turned into a vampire. Now Meliorn might die because of some..." Jace said "It's not anything you did. They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together, and came up with a big lie." Izzy said "I wish that made me feel better." Hodge said "Where do you think you're going? It's a very dangerous time, and no one is supposed to leave the premises without express orders." Izzy said "Hodge, we were just about to..." Hodge said "Lie to me?" I said "Clary needs us, Hodge. The Clave is looking for her. She could be in serious danger. Ive lost my mother to valentine and my boyfriend to Lydia I will not lose my sister to the clave as well." Hodge said "Well, in that case, I'd make a timely exit before anyone of importance notices you're gone." Jace said "We won't forget this."

We ran off to the Dumort Hotel, Where Luke pulled me into a hug and said "Whats wrong Princess." Jace and Izzy told Rafael we were here and I said "I want my mom, Luke Alec is apparently now engaged to Lydia and I'm sick and mom would know how to help me." Luke said "Sick?" I said "My stomach has been hurting since yesterday, sometimes I feel like I'll puke but I haven't yet so I don't think I'll actually do so." he rubbed my back and said "Is it your period?" I said "I doubt it, my period shouldn't be here for like 3 weeks, since I just had one end last week." He said "Have you and Alec been sexually active?" I said "Once, after we finished healing you I don't even know how it started, it just did." he said "Well that was almost 4 days ago so, give it a few days if you don't feel better we will have you take a test, you may be in for a long ride, baby girl." I sighed and Izzy said "It will be ok Tessa." Clary and Simon walked out she ran to Jace and hugged him as he said "Hey. Thank God you're okay. So this is your safe hideout, huh?"

Clary said "Well, you think the Clave was gonna look here?" Izzy said "Can we please focus on the matter at hand? Unless no one here cares that the Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn." Clary and Simon said "What?" Jace said "They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack than he's saying." I said "They're taking him to the Silent Brothers." Clary was shocked "We have to stop them!" Jace said "That's the plan, Clary. Rescue and recovery." Izzy said "We get him from the guards, in and out, no one gets hurt." Clary said "You want us to go up against the Silent Brothers, and an elite Shadowhunter guard unit?" Luke said "Without any backup?" Jace said "Pretty much sums it up, yeah." Clary said "Is Alec coming?" Jace, Izzy and I looked at each other Jace said "No. Not this time." She looked confused so I said "Its a long story." 

Clary nodded and said "If they're doing this to Seelies, no Downworlder is safe. But we can't go in alone, not if we don't want to be detected." Luke said "My pack will track the unit, create a distraction." Simon said "I would suggest vampires, but I doubt they'll cooperate." Jace said "As much as I hate to agree with Simon, vamps aren't exactly team players." Clary said "Let Tessa and I talk to Raphael. I think we can persuade him." The vampires gathered to hear us out. Clary said "We're offering an alliance with the Seelies." Luke said "And the werewolves." Raf said "Why should we believe you? You killed our people. You violated our home." Jace said "You kidnapped a mundane, remember?" Simon said "That was me." At Clary's look I said "Look, you were just following Camille's orders. She violated the Accords. You are a different kind of leader. We are a new generation of Shadowhunters. We believe everyone can be equal. But we have to work together to stop Valentine. And to ensure the Clave doesn't repeat past mistakes. What do you say?"

Raf said "This decision requires a consensus." Simon said "I vote yes." Raf said "Well, well, well, baby's first words." making me giggle, Simon said "Don't make me regret them." Raf said "If our newest member pledges his loyalty to his new leader and joins our clan, we'll all stand beside you." Clary said "Simon's not a pawn." Simon said No, I'm not. But I accept your deal." she said "Simon, what are you doing?" he said "Whatever it takes to protect the Downworld. It's my world now." Raf said "Then we're in." We made it to City of Bones but it didn't look familiar so Clary said "This does not look like the City of Bones." Jace said "This is the Downworlders entrance." Clary said "The City of Bones has a service entrance. Perfect!" Simon said "I hope I have better luck here than I did last time. I'm just saying." I said "Everyone knows what to do?" Jace said "Text when you're in position." 

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