The Truth

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I was sitting with Clary, Simon, and Maureen and I said "ok you performed, but I feel a name change coming" Simon got up and we followed him to the side of the van he said "yes, we are now Rock Solid Panda" Maureen said "damn right we are!" Clary said "I feel inspired, Rock Solid Panda coming up" she started painting and I said "I'm gonna head inside" they nodded and I went to get into line. I showed my fake and then went inside, it was then I saw him. He was tall, black hair, blue eyes, had tattoos all over his body, and a bow strapped to his back.

I saw Clary run in after a blonde boy, I gasped as she ran by me grabbing my hand yanking me with her. Once she stopped I released myself from her grasp, She linked arms with a bouncer and flirted with him so he led her inside. I followed them and saw the blonde boy quietly talking to a girl, I saw a tall skinny girl with a platinum wig and a white leather crop top, a white leather mini skirt. She was dancing on the counter, In the shadows was the man, he had his bow out and was surveying the room.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Clary shouted "no!" and pushed the girl onto the couch. The boy slid her across the floor as the girl on the couch had tentacles come from her mouth. I gasped as I was shoved against a wall, I moved my head as he tried to punch me. I felt the wind as an arrow stuck into the wall right next to my head, turning him to dust. I smiled in thanks at the boy in the shadows and turned, grabbing the arrow and stabbed it into the juggler of of another man that swung at me.

By the time, we finished Clary grabbed my hand and ran as fast as she could with me trailing behind her. She shoved me in a cab which took us home, I was so confused and terrified but I hid it well. Once we got to the house we ran up to the loft and burst in, Clary started pacing as I slid down the wall.

"...and these creepy tentacles seemed to come out of this bodybuilder's face and then the guy just evaporated, I mean we were drugged right." Clary exclaimed wringing her hands as she continued to pace. Mom said "what did the markings look like on the blonde boy you were talking about?" "who cares mom, okay? Are you even listening to me? I think I killed someone and I know Tess did kill someone. Speaking of which why are you so calm?" Clary stated mom said "its shock Clary Tess will be fine, the protections are wearing off, you're 18 now and you need to know the truth" I said "what truth? What is going on mom, you're scaring the hell out of us"

Dot ran in and said "Jocelyn look out the window, Magnus called to warn us they have found you" Jocelyn grabbed both of our hands and led us to the wall, She said "Dot now," she put a purple necklace on Clary and said "Clary where is Luke right now?" She was crying and yelled "I don't, I don't know, what is going on?" Jocelyn yelled "I made a very powerful person mad Where is Luke?!?" She cried even more as Jocelyn shoved us into the purple thing Out created as Clary shouted "Police station! He is at the station!"

Next thing I know I woke up in a grassy field, I saw a man come running at me until an arrow shot him, I heard a voice say "Jace we got Tessalyn, she came out of a portal but we have no idea where Clary is" with that I passed out but before I could hit the ground strong arms caught me.

(2 days later)

I woke up and looked around, I saw Clary she was in just a long shirt, I had the same only they left my necklace on me but took Clary's off her. On her bed was the girl who was dancing at the club but now she has beautiful black hair and its long. Clary also sat up but she bumped heads with the girl. the girl said "ow" Clary said "wait, I don't know you, Where is my sister?" I said "I'm right here Clary" She saw me and held her hand out so I got up and crawled up next to her and the new girl.

The girl said "I'm Isabelle. I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane... or distracted. Like you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work." Clary said "we have no idea what you're talking about. Who is Jace?" She said "you really don't know much do you?" I said "all we know is some psychos taken our mother" Clary said "and now you've taken us" Isabelle said "and by taken, you mean saved your lives?" The boys from the club came in and the black haired one said "A mundane shouldn't even be here"

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