The bitch named Lydia

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A couple of days later I was sitting on Alec's lap after he had a meeting with his parents, Max was on the couch next to us. Max said "Alec, you think you could get my stele back?" Alec said "They took it away because you nearly burned down the Mumbai Institute." Max said "How many times do I have to say it was an accident?" Alec said "Look, Max. Somebody very important is coming to visit. All right? You think you can stay out of trouble for just a couple days? If you do, I promise I'll get your stele back." I said "I make no such promises, whoever is coming to take you from me better think again." He shook his head and gave me chaste kiss. The slide doors opened. Valentine walked into the Institute. I quickly got off Alec and wrapped my arms around Max who ran to me. Alec fired an arrow, but Valentine caught it before it hit him. He activated a rune on his arm and transformed into a woman. She said "That reaction time was abysmal." looked at Alec and said "Except for you. I'm Lydia Brandwell, envoy from the Clave."

Maryse and Izzy entered the room as Lydia said "Maryse. The Clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this Institute." She said "Wait a minute. Nobody informed us." Lydia said "The Clave doesn't need to. And, to repeat myself, it's temporary. Nothing's been decided yet. But I do need full clearance in order to assess how this Institute is running. Where is Clary Fairchild? I would hope someone here knows." Alec said "She's in the field, training." Lydia said "You're telling me she's just... out and about in the streets of New York? Valentine's daughter?" I went to speak but Izzy pinched my hip and said "Isn't she also your cousin?" Lydia said "Distant cousin." Alec said "She's with Jace." Lydia said "The same Jace Wayland who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the Vampires? I've read reports." Maryse said "Jace might be unconventional, but he's our best soldier. If he's with Clary, then she's in good hands." 

Lydia said "I hope so. And for your sake, all of New York. All of your jurisdiction better be well protected. Another question and this one you better have a good answer for, where is the inquisitors granddaughter? Where is Tessalyn Herondale" I said "Actually I prefer Tessa thanks so much." I was playing with my ring and she said "Fine Tessa It is, first and foremost you never go for a child, you go for the attacker." I said "Ok and what kill him with my Charm? Its not like I got a weapon on me" Max said "She didn't go for me, I ran to her." I smiled down at the little dude Maryse said "How about I show you around? Max go study." he hugged me and ran off the two women walked away and Izzy said "I'm not a fan." I said "I second that." Alec said "Jealous?" she said "No. Maybe. How the hell did she catch that arrow?" I said "Yes I'm almost certain that.... Woman is my replacement. Why is she really here?" Alec said "No one can replace you." 

Alec's phone rang so we looked at it and then we called to the to women Alec said "I have something you need to see. Something attacked the Jade Wolf." Alec showed pictures of the forsaken Maryse said "The werewolves' headquarters? Where did you..." Lydia said "Where did you get these?" Maryse said "Leader of the New York wolf pack." Lydia said "You're friends with Lucian Graymark? An ex-Circle member?" I said "He helped my mom raise me and my sister g..." Maryse cut me off and said "How about we send Isabelle, Tessa, and Alec to investigate? I'm sure this is linked to..." Lydia said "Valentine. I need to see it for myself. Are you coming or what?" Alec followed her, Izzy said come on let's talk." I followed her to my room and she closed the door.

We were talking for ten minutes and as Izzy said "We could always..." a knock sounded on my door so I opened It and Lydia said "You and Isabelle need to go do the autopsy with Magnus Bane." before I could say anything Izzy said "Will do." and dragged me from my room and to the autopsy room. Magnus looked up from his magic and said "Ooh I get you two." I said "Yeah and I'm having a major wanna kill a bitch problem, so you both get to listen to me complain." Magnus said "Are we allowed to advise? Or is it just a rant?" I giggled and said "Yes you guys can speak thats the whole point." You almost done?" he said "Patience is a virtue, my dear." Izzy said "Come on. I want to get my hands on that thing." he said "Speaking of which, how are you and Alexander? I was hoping I might hear from him." Izzy said "Putrefaction. It's decomposing." I said "It's just so hard to tell if Alec is even processing how much that woman is like infatuated with him. Maybe he is interested in her I mean, I can't fathom why he wouldn't be she is beautiful and successful and your mom loves her."

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